Logbook entry

Just another day...

26 May 2020Darwin

Curiosity. Discovery. Some of the drivers of a scientist. So many different disciplines.

Being master of none, it is these that drive me forward, day to day. A day at the ‘office’ is never dull.

I have been investigating Thargoid sensors and probes, which is increasingly difficult.
Thargoid probes were once far more abundant. You could circle ammonia planets in the Pleiades and be able to find them eventually, without too much effort, and just a little perseverance.

More recently they are far more scarce. You can sometimes find them by raiding the holds of the megaships stranded in the Pleiades, but the authorities take a dim view of such looting. Even for science.

Another source is the wreckage of others. These litter the Pleiades, as the Thargoids take back what is theirs.

A bad day for some can give valuable insights and resources for another.

Non Human Signal Sources, while threat 5 and 7, can sometimes yield some interesting insights and samples.

However, you are often not alone there...

The ‘owners’ are often present and reclaiming their property. Scooping samples from right in front of a Thargoid can be a risky business.

Does make them a tad ‘tetchy’, to say the least. While there are a number of papers describing techniques, methodologies, ships and engineering requirements, each scientist has their own preferences.

Precision speed scooping and tactical withdrawal, often persued by an angry Thargoid, is a technique that does seem to work. Not for the feint of heart.

‘Nab it and run like the clappers’ is the more common term used to describe the technique to fledgling scientists.

The view from the office window can be both disturbing and intriguing at the same time.

All in a days work.
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