Cmdr Spud_
Freelancer / Trader
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

01/01/3307 A New Year...

02 Jan 2021Spud_
So a while back I met this fellow, a smuggler named JB, he threw some business my way, and it has worked out good.  Now I find out he is in the crapper and there is no one to pull him out.  Well, I thought about it, but not to hard, you do me a favor and I will return it.  So now, leaving behind one very angry wife, (who still thinks I have the hots for my hired fighter pilot, which I do not) Sylvia and I are out in the hanger making sure, everything is ready to go.

Happy New Year!  Yeah...  

"deLacey Sierra Papa Uniform, you are cleared for launch, please watch for oncoming traffic."

"Take us out Sylvia."

I made my way to the coffee pot.
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︎1 Shiny!
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