Logbook entry

Ongoing investigation on shields

28 Nov 2019Steel Beast
I am currently investigating a problem spotted in many shield calculator tools back in febuary 2018, it seems to be still unpatched everywhere I look.

If you are interested in the matter or want the ultimate shields, I encourage you to follow my next logbook entries. I will be posting the results of my research to keep you updated.

Current calculators tested and affected :

Down to earth astronomy shield tester

As you can see the values go well over 75% which it the maximum. It also seems they don't account for shield resistances diminishing returns.

In coriolis.io a ship equipped with a shield offering 70% Kinetic res + booster offering 27% Kinetic res will have a total Kinetic res of 78.1%.
This is the result you get when forgetting entirely about diminishing returns.
According to my calculations you would get 64.05% Kinetic res instead.

This still needs to be tested in game. More information to come as the investigation continues.
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