Logbook entry

Arrival and getting in touch

29 May 2016Matahari
Well, returning to the bubble takes longer than I thought.
Everything feels a little different and strange at the moment. When I was out in that far things were a lot more simple. Scanning planets, fuelscooping and planing the next 1000 lightyears were, while not easy, still relative simple tasks. Now I am overwhelmed by options. There are two community goals running and I plan to participate at least formaly. Also I got messages from a few... interesting people who offer me to upgrade my ship. I normaly dont like the idea of tinkering biut on the other hand taking a look wont hurt. Maybe one of them heard something about cintra, although I dont really believe it. Its been almost 10 years now...

Left the Bintang as soon as possible and went back into the Raja my Clipper. Still loathe the empire but their ships are top notch so and I cant really say no to that cargo capacity and speed...

Will do some first basic trading runs and a few mission I want to get familiar with how things are currently running in the Alliance...

Mata out
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