Logbook entry

Stations in need of meta-alloys

30 May 2016Matahari
I currently own 8tons of meta-alloys... Now where to sell them...

Found a handy list of stations with technical difficulties:

Ackerman Market, Eravate
Ray Gateway, Diaguandri
Bond Hub, Varati
von Bellingshausen Port, Almar
Haack Gateway, Halbangaay
Gabriel Enterprise, Harma
Gurragchaa Gateway, Warkushanui
Gaiman Dock, 49 Arietis
Weyn Dock, 64 Arietis
Korolyov Hub, Arawere
Lobachevsky Outpost, Pic Tok                                
Carter Port, Rhea
Irens Dock, Manite
Bloch Vision, Loperada
Skvortsov Orbital, 63 G. Capricorni
Tall Enterprise, Ngalia
Love Ring, Evejitaka
al-Din Prospect, Alpha Centauri
Robigo Mines, Robigo 9
Saunders's Dive, Wolf 1301
Alexander Freeport, HIP 18843
Coats Hub, Warkushanui
Hinz Hub, Ngobe
Tsunenaga Dock, Iapodes
Li Qing Jao, Sol
Vizcaino Enterprise, Nganji
Talos 2, Peregrina
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