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Recently bought a Type 10

17 Jul 2020Lord Scarfinger
Recently I bought a T10 and named it Pepsi Can, with the thought of being able to use its firepower for defending myself and squad mates on mining trips.But as it turns out, this massive chunk of alloys won't do much against smaller ships in a wing. Even fully turreted. Maybe a wing of 2 can be defeated but more than that, no chance. Well of course the one ship targeted with the turrets melts, but meanwhile you are a big target for the other 3 ships. And since you can't move with this thing they bring down your shields and modules in no time. It might be effective against other large ships.

I refitted it for mining, came then across mass issues. This thing is so heavy by itself, that you have to think about what optional internals and core internals you want. I slapped for example a grade 8C power plant on it. Which weighs 80t, well wasn't a hell of an idea, I can say that much. Limpet controllers, in the higher classes use a lot of mass too, so I went for a lower class but gave up on limpet operating distance. Hardpoints though, are great on that thing. I run with 5 mining lasers, 1 seismic launcher, 1 abrasion blaster and 2 ssd missile launchers. Laser mining is quick though, because you melt out materials of an asteroid in no time with 5 lasers. Core mining can be a bit difficult again since it hasn't great maneuverability.

I don't know if I regret spending all these credits on that thing or not. One thing is for sure, I'll be near damn broke if I need a rebuy on this thing.
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