Logbook entry

Shield Of Justice

25 Aug 2020Lord Scarfinger
After the first 2 arks left Ardua towards the new homeworld, tensions started to rise back on Ardua. Some of the population were afraid that they'll won't be able to leave the planet on time. So a new underground faction started to arise with the intent to capture the 3rd ark after its completion.
It was another 6 months before it was completely built and conducted the first test flight. Since these were massive ships, building took up to 8 months. With all the systems being properly installed and the AI tested, it could take up to 10 months until they were ready for their journey.
This underground faction was lead by a MP (member of parliament) who went by the name of Mar Ris, who had a strong following by conspiracy theorists and the poorer population, who thought the arks were built just for the middle and upper class.
This faction called itself The Shield Of Justice.....

Their reason for wanting to capture the 3rd ark was due the lack of quality health care for the poorer part of the population, therefore they had much more severe and contracting illnesses than the middle class. They thought the government sees them as a burden and would leave them behind. Not even telling them when the arks would depart, so they won't be flocking in in masses.

Conspirators were spreading information that these arks were just built to send people off world and into the black with no real destination. They claimed there was no new home world. That they just would send 3 quarters of the population into space to let them die on these arks, so the rest could stay on Ardua and use the sparse but remaining inhabitable areas of the planet.
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