Logbook entry

Standby Orders

26 Aug 2020Lord Scarfinger
Admiral Idle's mobile holo slate lit up with a high pitched bleep. He fumbled it out of his pant pocket knowing immediately from whom he recieved a message.
The message came from Prime Minister Ford and read:

"To Admiral Eric Idle
Good evening, Admiral. The council is still awaiting communications from the Endeavorent. Stand by for further instruction.
With regards,
Prime Minister (P.M.) Ryan Ford"

He didn't expect anything else than a short reply to his previous letter, but he knew he had to try and ask the Prime Minister for more funding.
"Stand by, of course." he mumbled to himself as he read the message.
"I guess Tuuka got a similar reply, maybe written a bit harsher, but similar." he thought.

He pressed the reply button on the holo slate's screen and the keyboard lit up in a luminescent green. He didn't like the standard red color theme the military used, so he had one of the tech guys change the holo slate's colors. Some of the advantages of being an Admiral in the High Council.

He started to type his answer to the PM:
Dear Prime Minister,
I will obey your orders and stand by for further instructions.
And I hope we'll hear from the Endeavorent very soon.
Amdiral Eric Idle

As he sent his reply, he thought to himself: "Although I don't agree, I will obey. But soon, neither Tukka nor I will have to bow to your will anymore."
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