Logbook entry

The Walls Have Ears

29 Aug 2020Lord Scarfinger
"So the poor are not worth evacuating, but will be remembered by history. Well, why have I dared to think other wise. Clearly our great Prime Minister is not for the well being of all Arduans. I am not frustrated, I am infuriated." Rask thought to herself as she read the message. "Insert myself into the middle, that's why I took an oath as doctor. And good luck finding someone else, better than me!" she said loudly, almost yelling.

She sat alone in her office, so no one could hear her, but you never know if the walls have ears. Especially in times like these. Mar Ris told her the channels they were communicating through, were securely encrypted, but what if she was on the surveillance list of Section 6? So they probably overheard their plot, and maybe even Eric is being watched. "Paranoia" crossed her mind.

Sitting there and continuing to read the rest of the long reply, she thought of her father, who passed many years ago. He, himself a victim of the radiation, which caused severe cancerous growths in his body. Through his hard labour in the mines of Tise and later on Ardua, he became sick in the end. Being poor themselves, and seeing what health care was and was not available, from a young age she swore to herself to become a doctor and help people in need. They didn't have a lot of money, so only her intelligence and determination to learn, made it possible for her to attend university. She wasn't one of the rich kids, parents paid for tuition, she worked hard and earned her place there. Often being outcast by other students for what she was, poor. Yet she became the medical director for the A. M. C., while the others, the rich, barely got any recognition in whatever they did.

Although her father's death was longer than 2 years ago and Tuukka never knew what kind of drink whiskey was, she remembered a poem which touched her from the first time she read it. It was written by Daniel Jehle, a poet from ancient earth's 21st century:

"This day, two years ago, it was time to say goodbye
But you were already gone as I arrived at your side
As you lay on your hospital bed, all life gone
I held your hand and muttered, so long

And yes, you've been gone
Gone, just in your physical form
But you will eternally remain within my heart and mind
I can't believe how fast the time went by
Two years later, I stand in front of a tombstone with your name engraved
And I wish that you'd still be here to see how your advice has paved
A new path for me
Son, don't be dumb and go for it, is what you've told me
And so did I
Went for it and made me a better, professional life

Today I'll have a glass of whiskey by your grave
And with you, to you, this glass I will raise
There's no need to be sad
Zastarovje, dear dad"

It did resonate quite a lot with her, because before his death, her father Harron Rask, told her something similar.
She felt a tear run down her cheek, grabbed a tissue and wiped it off. "Don't cry, not now." she whispered to herself.

Touched by too many emotions, she hesitated to write a reply right away. She had to cool her head off, and wait until her mind was clear again. "Well, if that was even possible. Maybe this strange whiskey beverage would help." she thought. Besides it took the PM about 2 days to send a reply to her last letter, why should she hurry.
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