Logbook entry

Why I love my Krait

01 Oct 2020Sparlin007
It all started with a failed Thargoid kill:

I finally unlocked the Guardian Gauss cannon, I was raring to go interceptor hunting after weeks of picking off scouts. I completed my build on my Krait Mk II and set off for Taygeta, a big place for Thargoid hunting, and started scanning for a threat 5
Signal, check.
Thargoid interceptor, not check.
Scouts. This one was a no-go, so I jumped out after a few scrapes.
Next signal, check.
Thargoid interceptor, check.
These things are terrifying, no matter how ready your build is. I was frozen with fear and anxiety.
I let it go, damn. Next signal. This time I wasn't going to let my guard down.
Next signal, check.
Thargoid interceptor, check.
It was go time, I started shooting each of the "petals" on this death-flower and didn't exactly know what to expect. I quickly realized that I was heating up, FAST, so I deployed a heat sink to cool myself, both literally and metaphorically. Cut to about 30 seconds later, my shields are already down, and my hull down to 60%. I wasn't going to win this, so I started BOLTING.

I didn't make it. Re-buy screen, here I come.

I decided to join some of my friends in my squadron back in the bubble for some bounty hunting, because, at this point, I was invited to an Xbox party, so I swapped my parts on my Krait back to my combat build, but with a tiny fuel scoop to make it without running out of fuel.
A few pit stops later, I made it to the squadron fleet carrier, where the wing was waiting for me. We made our introductions because not all of us were familiar with each other. After that, we set out on bounty hunting shenanigans, jumping in on unsuspecting Anacondas who just so happened to have MISSION TARGET slapped on their name. Needless to say, I had a "blast" with my wing-mates, even though I wasn't doing as well as the rest of them with Anacondas and Corvettes, but, I had fun.

Around some 60-something kills later we all got about 25 million, which meant more to some than others, before we went our separate ways. One wing-mate member went to Guardian space, where I told him that most materials spawn in the vessel blueprint structures. The squadron leader, also a close friend, went mining for Painite, and the last member stayed for the cool missions at the station. I decided to go with my squad leader and tried to go mining again. The first time I went mining (I didn't write about that time), I went in a Cobra Mk. III with mining lasers and basic, bare-bones equipment. The experience was horrible, and it made me drop ED for about a month. This time, I changed the gear on my, much larger, Krait (The same Krait this whole time). I purchased most of the things I needed for mining. All of the things but a refinery. I asked my squad. leader why there wasn't a refinery on his fleet carrier. He said that modules come in packages (which I didn't know) and the Mining package didn't include refineries. I set out for the system next to the one he was mining at, so I can buy a refinery. There were a LOT of fleet carriers, none of them guaranteeing what I wanted, so I searched Inara for the refinery, found it, bought it, and set of for Painite mining. When I finally arrived at the rings, I had this build:
A few scans later, I realized how common Painite and other metals were. It was at around this point that it was around 10:00 pm for me, so I needed to sign off for bed. I said my goodbyes and logged off.
The moral of this story (if there is one) is that your ship doesn't have to be perfect at a certain thing (thargoid hunting, bounty hunting, mining) in order to be perfect for you.
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︎2 Shiny!
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