Logbook entry


07 Mar 2017Renderer
So, I've got a welcoming message from Lori Jameson!

Or it was rather from some crappy mailing bot on behalf of the Pilot's Federation. And that led me to a good deal of thinking whether or not I should get involved in this viral campaign.

As an explorer, I'm not an open sociopath per se, I'm just trying to avoid the boring bunch along with some real, honest sociopaths. You know, those people that make an occasional bounty hunting quite justified even for me! I have no problem with humanity as a species, but those damn managers!.. Whats a huge leap back in evolution! My ship's computer has more personality than most of those trouser-stains!

That's why I parked the Cutter soon after buying it, hopped into my Asp and jumped a few thousand LY away from the human bubble as soon as I've finished my dealings with Imperial brass. After some exploration-assisted cool-off period in Colonia region and a few million credits worth of scan data I've decided to change the beat, just a little, by answering the call!

But there was one fundamental problem with my combat rating – it was simply way too low! You need to be Dangerous or higher to be allowed do dock at Lori's base, and I was stuck with Expert back in my Cobra days! That's the change of beat I was speaking about earlier.

Who said 'bounty hunting'?!

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︎1 Shiny!
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