Logbook entry

The Hodkin Chronicles Part 2: Declassified Report

28 Dec 2016S. Hodkin

Operations Report of Naval Combat Operations - Reference RTNV19063300 - Published 01 Jul 3300

On the 19th of June this year (3300), a sortie codenamed Romeo 134 was rallied to a detail of pirates within 200Ls of Ride Ring in the Rotanev system, led by WO1 S.O Díaz, with Midshipman SJ Hodkin on communications, with Midshipman G Asher and Cadet JR Hodkin on combat support and logistics.

Judging by the records obtained from flight recorders that were salvageable from the destroyed ships, the battle lasted for no longer than 5 minutes, with all 4 ships destroyed within the space of 2 minutes, from a variety of weaponry, inclusive of beam lasers and missiles that were not of manufactured standards. The casualty report is found below:

WO1 Díaz - Captured by enemy combatants, found deceased during rescue operation, numerous injuries too graphic to detail in this report.
Mids. Asher - Missing in action, presumed alive owing to capsule beacon being tracked for at least 6 hours after ejection, current location unknown, injuries also unknown but assumed minor
Mids. Hodkin - Rescued from enemy combatants after 48 hours, major injuries, inclusive of shrapnel damage to the heart and right forearm, arm irreparable and thus amputated, set to be replaced by cybernetic replacement when injured is out of medical coma. Artificial heart fitted and successfully functioning.
Cadet Hodkin - Killed in action, body recovered within 60 minutes of clearance of enemy combatants

Naval Command has made the following recommendations:
1. That Mids. Hodkin be awarded the Distinguished Combat Medal for inflicting serious injury while attempting to save his fellow Naval comrades.
2. That Mids. Asher be awarded the above when he is found, pending investigation for potential desertion.
3. That WO1 Díaz and Cadet Hodkin be awarded as Recommendation 1 posthumously, with both subject to a funeral with full military honours.
4. That Federal Intelligence provide a full report of intel given to the wing during the briefing for the combat operations that took place.
5. That Mids. Hodkin and Mids. Asher are promoted to the rank of Petty Officer with immediate effect.
6. That Cadet Hodkin be posthumously promoted to the rank of Petty Officer.
7. That WO1 Díaz be posthumously promoted to the rank of Lieutenant with all privileges passed on to her next of kin.

All next of kin have been informed of this report and amendments welcomed.

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