Logbook entry

The Hodkin Chronicles Part 7: Plans of the Part-Irish

30 Dec 2016S. Hodkin
17th March 3301 - The Black Hole Bar, Cleve Hub, Eravate

Well tonight could be classed as a double celebration of sorts. The first being slightly obvious to some, it being St Patrick’s Day, and having Irish blood the celebrations will always be there in my veins no matter how hard you try. The second was getting rid of all the datawork and wrangling for enlisting in the Naval Auxiliary.

The wrangling had nothing to do with my general fitness, but rather that they wanted me out of anything regarding combat or in the public eye owing to said arm, despite them providing the blasted thing. I made it simple - I’m a human being as much as everybody else, if they think I’m going to kill them then they just need to watch their step as usual. There were also a few arguments over rank, I’m not being elevated just because I happened to serve in the full-time Navy, puts me in the same boat as those who bought their way up the ranks..

Arguing aside, only seemed right to spend a night at the Black Hole, a drinking establishment that I would always be welcomed into, moreso due to being run by my cousin Mark. Unlike the Rose, it’s a more typical bar that takes all comers, no matter who they are or what their limbs happen to be composed of. I was nursing a half pint of ale, the most I can stomach when it comes to alcohol now, lazily browsing my dataslate for any updates on my PF profile, interest socially having been negligible for the time being.

All was going swimmingly with the Sidewinder, having already made further adjustments to suit my own liking; the computer’s voice had already been changed as it was nagging too much, and as a precaution, have rigged some controls for left-hand only operation in case the cybernetic arm decides to pack in for whatever reason.

As for future plans, not much is set in stone as yet, although the trading is paying small dividends at the moment, likewise with the occasional delivery job. One thing is certain though, if I can find someone who takes me for who I am, not for what I am, I’d be a whole lot happier..
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