Logbook entry

The Hodkin Chronicles Part 8: Tedium and Trepidation

03 Jan 2017S. Hodkin
9th June 3301 - Room 223, All For One Apartments, Ackerman Market, Eravate System

It may seem strange to leave a three month gap in logs, but if I’d written any during the gap, it would have ended up rather tedious and boring, until now..

For the main part I’ve been keeping in a relatively small radius around Eravate, probably no more than 40LY away at any given point, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step as the old saying goes.

Work has at times been difficult to come by, one luck at the cybernetic arm and many a contractor won’t talk to you, worried you’ll either damage their reputations (and their egos), or that you’ll try to kill them, such are the prejudices against anything artificial on a person, even if it helps them. The work I’ve been able to get has been relatively menial in terms of cargo, but to amend another ancient proverb, where there’s biowaste, there’s credits, and sometimes a lot of them!

On a more interesting note, I’ve been more proactive on the social side of the Pilots’ Federation, and no shame in admitting that one lass in particular has caught my eye of late by the name of Jemine Caesar, a native of LHS 3447 whose profile caught my eye, among other things. I wouldn’t call myself a picky lad, but I know an attractive woman when I see one.

I’ve even suggested we meet up sometime without even thinking about it, watch this space..
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︎8 Shiny!
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