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The Hodkin Chronicles Part 15: Deeds

13 Mar 2017S. Hodkin
13th July 3301
The deed had been done, and Caz was dead; Jem had recalled in more detail than I’d cared for, my cringing was enough to show how I felt about not so methods but her sites of wounding. Meantime, I divulged my recent deeds. Having been in contact with the NTUP Research Foundation in recent weeks, I’d felt impressed to donate to assist in their funding efforts, to the tune of 1,000,000CR, just a small portion of what was needed to finish off treatment, but substantial nonetheless. Her thanks was sealed with a kiss.

16th July 3301
After the usual trading runs I’d become accustomed to around the area, I relayed news to Jem that the NTUPRF had made a huge breakthrough with clinical trials that I had only just caught wind of, that the repair and fertility treatments had a high degree of success with the nanobots and other methods they had been testing. If there’s a way of obtaining said treatment for Jem, Gaia knows I would find the way. Granted it was news to her that there were more men than one spreading NTUP, as my family well knew too well.
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