Logbook entry

Part 16: For Absent Friends

14 Apr 2017S. Hodkin
1st August - Galileo Station, Sol

The last week or so has been nothing short of mental fornication, to put it more articulately. First an intelligence operation that I can’t even write brief details of, owing to asinine FIS regulations, and then something going horribly wrong with Jem’s fertility treatment. I contacted her grandparents last night to let them know of the situation. I may not know everything about Jem, but they could be able to fill a few gaps for me. She definitely had a severe anaphylactic to something in the nanobots, but what could it be? I may have been a first-class medic in the Federal Navy, but even I’m flummoxed.

And for the first time in months, I’ve never felt more alone..
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