Logbook entry

Part 19: Scenes from a Naval Recreational Facility

26 Jun 2017S. Hodkin
September 3296, FANI Canteen, Carpenter Barracks, Bhotepago System

Following the seven day stretch inside consummate to striking that egotistical bully, I requested an immediate transfer following the completion of basic training. The superintendent of the barracks agreed unconditionally, indeed she was aghast at the treatment that I had received purely on the basis that I’d been conscripted under what is now an obsolete law.

By the end of July, I found myself in an orbiting barracks for want of a better term, but at least now I’m not being exercised beyond exhaustion, and finally sustain myself on food fit for human consumption, and already I can consider myself as having at least one acquaintance in the Navy - Asher.

Or at least that’s his surname, refuses to reveal his first name as he claims it's embarrassing that he was given said name. Not much older than I am in the scheme of things and built like a solid steel cargo hold and with a heart of gold, not to mention the accent seems familiar, who knows, perhaps his ancient ancestry is similar to mine.

Our main past-time of late is to head to the Federal Auxiliary Naval Institute canteen for relaxation and general observation. Of course we just call it the FANI, to the source of many a person’s amusement owing to the way the abbreviation is said. While it isn’t a bar per se, it does sell alcohol on occasion, which I tend not to go for except weekends. The beer they do sell isn’t a shade on Beta Hydri Brown..

One evening in particular we were doing our usual drinking and perusing (soft drinks, overpriced fag water doesn’t do the job for us), and put into perspective the variety among us - well off, poor enough that the uniform and free board is a positive luxury; those with families and those without, and all for a common cause. It may not be comfortable life, but we’re fighting for the ability to be who we want to be - or so they say. It may not be such a bad 2 years after all..
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