Logbook entry

A mighty fine gal she is.

19 May 2021SighnWaive
Assets acquired... Off to the shipyard in Panoi. Only 3 jumps remaining.


"...that will be five billion credits commander.", the associate says as I pull up my credit account on my PDA. "Here are the access codes, and thank you for choosing us for your carrier needs." As I turn to face the windows of the concourse, between the faintly glowing slot, I see her there - in the dock - getting the last of her polishing completed. I stand there a bit to admire my new Drake Class Carrier.

"Oh Commander!" I hear from behind me, "We will be moving your carrier to Ho Hsi for final inspection. Please meet our service crew there to receive the carrier." I nod and swiftly head for the lifts to the docking pads.

"She's gonna be in Ho Hsi!" I excitedly yell into the intercom. "I'll meet you there once my ship is done powering up and pre-flight is finished."


Dropping from super cruise just kilometers out, I take a long look upon her deck, sleek, shiny and... "Who the hell is that on my carrier?" I proclaim across an open mic.

"Oh HI there Commander, I took the liberty of docking first at YOUR carrier while I was waiting." Commander Pikachu 922 says over the coms, "She's a nice one, you should come on down."

Honestly, that clown... I'm still not even sure why he decides to stick with that name from a 21st century children's tv show. I head for pad 02 right next to Pikachu, who is on pad 01, disembark from my Type 9 (Slim Jim) and head for the carrier bridge.


"She's going to be mighty fine", I state, glancing over the docking pads and then at Pikachu. "Mighty fine indeed."

"You should get her some upgrades now!" bellows Pikachu, whom is hovering over a control panel. "Especially outfitting, we need outfitting!!".

We both laugh and head off the bridge as the ship prepares for lockdown.
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︎2 Shiny!
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