Logbook entry

Onward Bound

23 May 2021SighnWaive
While staring out the window at the star and thinking somberly to myself, behind me I hear some chatter from the bridge crew.

Captain Greta Pruitt is on shift and walks up beside me to look out as well. "Beautiful out here isn't it Arol?" she asks without looking away from the window.

"Mm-hmm" I respond, "This lull while waiting for the FSD to be aligned, has given me time to remember why we are out here in the first place."

Greta looks my way, puzzled she asks "What ever do you mean?"

I smile at her and look back out the window, "As a species, all of humanity, we didn't come out here for profit or to conquer. We came to explore. We came to gain knowledge. We came for a thrill. But now, what, we spend our time still worrying about getting things done quickly for the money and power." I turn to step away from the window.

"Commander" Greta says "We are ready to leave on your mark, however, we can return to the bubble if you'd like ma'am. Just give us the order."

I stop and look back "Carry out the defined navigation at your discretion Greta, don't mind me." I turn to head off the bridge, stopping at the intercom, "Bridge to Engineering."

"Mario here, what can I do for you commander?" I hear over the comms and reply, "Nothing more today Mario, I just wanted to thank you for getting us back on track quickly."

"No problem ma'am" I hear as I step through the door way.
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