Logbook entry

Let's go home.

26 May 2021SighnWaive
"We've been hauling cargo all day Arol, can we go home yet?" CMDR Pikachu asks.

I nod and state "Sure, right after we move the last 7 units."

Pikachu becomes excited at the thought of leaving. "Great, I've just finished loading a full cargo rack, let me just have Mario remove my shield generator and I can grab that too!"

"I wouldn't do that commander. I'll grab it and we can head out" I reply as I head to the docking pads to prep my ship.


As I land at the pad in Rackham's Peak, I check my cargo hold to realize it is empty. "God Damn IT!." I come over the comms, "They didn't load my cargo..."

"WHAT?!" Pikachu questions. "Don't worry about it, I'll make sure it gets in my hold and then we can leave"


I meet Pikachu on the pad. "Welcome back, I've started preparing lockdown. Let's get your ship below deck and prepare as well"

Pikachu nods, "Yes, after the kind of day we've had, let's go home!"
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