Logbook entry

Leg One Complete: New Orders

15 Nov 2015BlueDrache
Leg one is now complete.  I've made it to HIP 97315 and have fixed its location on the Star Map by trilaterating it with five other star's known positions.  Holy moley this system is complex.  Eight ... EIGHT ... stellar bodies, four rocky/metallics and a couple extremely hot Jovians.  Of the stars, seven are TTS, and the main is a class B. When class B the main star goes super, this system's going to get flung like a fresh rack of billiard balls on the break.

Very few new discoveries along the way.  Mostly confirming what other explorers have found, though there were a few moons that now bear my discovery mark.  

The computer spit out a preprogrammed and encoded message once the trilateration numbers were complete and once I decoded it, the message said:

"Heading 322 mark 315.  One leg.  Heading 18 mark 33.  One leg."

Obviously my employer planted this in my ship's databanks, but ... how?
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︎1 Shiny!
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