From California to The Loop
15 Jul 2020Garrick14
After making my way towards the California Nebula and finding that much had been discovered and mapped already. I ventured below towards the bottom of the galaxy to find the unknown places. I jumped as far as I could safely take my Courier, and found a breath-taking view of the galaxy. I can see far off a bright point that looks like a massive amount of stars. My study of the galaxy map leads me to think it must be the Elephant's Trunk Nebula, but I cannot be sure. If that is true, then it is exceedingly far away and I will need to purchase a more dedicated exploring vessel. The Dolphin I procured for escorting wealthy tourists is nice, but far from what I would like to explore the galaxy in. It's far too gaudy. I've heard good things about Diamondback Explorers. I will need to weigh my options upon returning to Human Space.From the bottom of the Galaxy I have begun making my way towards Barnard's Loop. So far, my flight path has brought me across many unmapped star systems, some less interesting than others. I imagine that my hopefully unusual flight path will continue to bring me across new discoveries.