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The story so far pt1 - background

16 Jul 2020Orion Blacksun
Why write this?
as a record of what I've done so that others can perhaps learn from some of my mistakes and do some cool stuff. Or to quote Holly, "it's a laugh innit?" But where to start? Perhaps 30 years ago in the days when computer games were free hacked copies and there was no such thing as the internet. Got a game called elite on my amiga. Space flight sim. Don't remember much about it though and never got into it. Couldn't really figure out what to do and kept dying.
So fast forward to now. Normally more into rpgs and rts, but ED was on sale and I wanted to try something different. Read about the game and decided to get a gamepad. I play pc but really don't like using the mouse for flight sims. So all set and away we go.
Imidiatly some distant memories were unearthed. I know this cockpit and the little wireframe spaceships spinning to either side. Play a bit. Tweak the controls. Play a bit more tweak again. Come in to land at my first station.
Damn! That is pretty.
And then the landing display with the beeping noise. Deja-vu. I remember this vividly too now. Also being on a planet and taking off from a landing pad that is underground and you go up this chimney thing to get out. And dying trying to land on the bloody thing. More control tweaks. Now using a hybrid of gamepad and keyboard. Working well for me.
In these days of the internet and online forums there is no shortage of information for any game. But the wealth of stuff for ED is something else. Having flow around a bit and done some courier missions and deciding that I'm liking what I'm doing, I decide to do some research and learn the game a bit.
I can't stand MMO games. Generally full of pks (player killers) who just go around killing the weak. That and disconnection issues and if you're doing something with someone then it's not so easy to just turn it off. So I play in solo exclusively and that suits me just fine and I haven't run out of things to do. It's easy enough to learn the game. Read stuff online and do the tutorials.
since ED doesn't have a main quest or anything, I am making my own and this is a record of it.

My first goals related to learning the game and getting a better ship. These excellent resources helped me see what's avaliable.
Next time I'll document my first few ships and early game progression. As soon as I started planning my progression I knew I was hooked and would be playing this straight for months.

CMDR Orion Blacksun
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