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The story so far pt2 - initial moves

16 Jul 2020Orion Blacksun
One thing became clear very quickly. I needed a better ship. I decided to go for the adder as something affordable but better. It was a good choice with a medium hardpoint and enough cargo space to do transport missions. I did a bit of fighting in it too and it went alright. I soon had enough cash from missions to be able to upgrade again. I decided to go for a cobra3 and eventually found a station that sold it (I didn't know about finding ships on inara at that time).
Anyway, wow, what a ship! This thing was amazing. With two medium gimbaled MCs and a pait of small gimbaled pulses it was so much better than the adder at everything. I used it for missions and could do a lot more cargo missions now. Combat was great in it too. This was the first ship that I upgraded the core internals for. I switched the pulses to beams when I had the power. I named this ship the dark star. Once I had upgraded the fsd to A I realised that I could go much further. But where to go? And what to do?
I was still reading lots of stuff online and saw many references to the bubble. But how could I see that? I spent an hour or so in dock just exploring the menus on the ship and discovered several things. I learned how to switch the map view to powerplay and thus observe the bubble. It's huge! Then I zoomed out all the way... The bubble is tiny.
What else is out there? Can I get my name on a planet? The seeds of exploration were starting to germinate. But what is exploration? How do you do it? More reading!


Many thanks to all the CMDRs who provided the above info. It also became clear that you could make serious cash doing this. I decided it was time to buy an asp explorer. I was still doing missions to earn cash at this point but the cobra allowed me to haul a reasonable amount of cargo and it wasn't too long before I had the 7mil I needed. I kept the cobra though. It had served me well. But I haven't used it since. However, I now am considering a different use for it. More on that later.
So I now had my aspx, upgraded the fsd to A (wow, by the way, I was getting close to 40ly range) and did some misions in it to get a feel for it. It's huge! Handles much worse than the cobra but you have a fantastic view from the cockpit. It actually felt a bit like vertigo at first. Glass on the floor? Like the ship wants to spit me out.
More next time.

CMDR Orion Blacksun
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