Logbook entry

Data log found in an abandoned spacecraft pt2 - The ship

05 Sep 2020Orion Blacksun
<audio log begins>

I've investigated the first few locations on the route. Nothing too strange. At least not on the surface. I'll be heading out further afield soon. Just some minor repairs to my ship and servicing the srvs. This will be the last decent coffee I'll have for a while. I really should get a coffee machine installed in the phantom.

I'll tell you about the ship I found. I won't say where though. Some things are best left undisturbed. I did actually go back to look for it a second time but couldn't find it so who knows what happened to it. I was in my dbx on my way from one place to another. I had stopped to scoop fuel, it takes a while but I was in no rush. I idly looked through my contacts. No ships, a couple of planets and the usual unidentified signal sources. There's rarely anything of interest in these distant uninhabited systems but like I said, I wasn't in any rush and I was feeling kind of bored. I set course for the closest when the fueling was done. As expected it was ship wreckage. But this one was different. It was intact.
There were other oddities. It was an Asp scout of all things. You don't see many of them and with good reason. I mean, you can see what Lakon were trying to do with it. But, just, no.
Anyway, I went in for a closer look. There were no debris around, just the ship, intact, and with the emergency canopy release activated. These can only be opened from the inside I later discovered. The ship looked empty but I didn't fancy a space walk to check. There were some scratches on the outside and it had a squadron marking that I didn't recognise, a five pointed star, although it did look familiar somehow. I took some pics of the craft, downloaded the data core and moved on. The next signal source had some scrap metal I could salvage. Much more interesting.
What if I had done a more thorough investigation? What if I had been in my dolphin which is kitted out for research? What if I had boarded the ship? These questions haunt me. I did go back after I had read the log. I spent hours combing that accursed system. But the ship is gone. All I had was the downloaded core and a few hasty images. The core data was corrupted. I didn't even check at the time. I have pored over it since though, and what follows is everything I could extract from my scan. It wasn't even the original audio, just the transcribed text. In some ways this may be a mercy. I can just imagine how his voice must have changed in the later entries. I present it here in full and unredacted. Make of it what you will.

This is Commander Orion Blacksun signing off.

<audio log ends>

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Day 1
What? Yes I did. Is it? Yes it's on, it says recording. Very well then, I shall begin.
Ahem. Hello! I shall make a log as I believe this is what ship captains do to record their adventures. And what an adventure this will be. Old Balin went positivly purple when I secured funding for this field trip. Ha! His last paper was utter dross too, none of the main journals would take it and he had to settle for proceedings. If I were him I... What? Oh yes. The matter at hand! Indeed.
Well, let me introduce myself. Professor Michael Montgomery of Georgetown University. I'm professor of ancient literature. With me on this craft is Cribbins, a postdoc. He's acting as my assistant and pilot on this trip, the purpose of which is to visit star systems mentioned in the writings of a ninteenth century author by the name of Lovecraft. For although regarded as a writer of fiction, a discovery has come to light suggesting that perhaps some of his stories were based on an underlying truth. In a sealed stasis vault

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interesting sights but nothing supernatural at all. Of course if it was obviously overt someone would have found it by now.

Day 6
We are currently in Vega. There is a supposed connection with this system and the so called dreamlands. I tried the drug that was mentioned in the book last night, hopefully it was synthesised correctly but the details are fairly sketchy. Cribbins refused to try it. I had a small dose before going to sleep and had Cribbins watch over me just in case. I certainly had strange dreams, I'm sure I did, although I can't recall them. Cribbins said that I was muttering in my sleep but couldn't make anything out. I think a larger dose is in order but I'll have to

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bubble! It's the furtherest I've been from home and it feels daunting to be venturing into uninhabited systems. I'm sure we're on to something, but the anwsers lie out in the black.

Day 13
We have reached Sargas which is most likely the system named Sauron in the Mythos literature. Here is said to dwell a Great Old One. The pale lord of the labyrinth. There are gaps in what I've been able to discover about some of these systems and some of them may not be correct. I have also not had access to all the source material as much has been lost. This system has many planets to explore so we are likely to be here for several days.
The dreams are getting worse. Cribbins keeps trying ro persuade me to stop taking the drug but I belive now that a prolonged exposure might be what is required for the full experience. I wish I could remember the dreams, I have a sense of dread when it's time for sleep but don't know why.

Day 14
Exploring the Sargas system we

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in the story we will have to settle for gazing at it from afar. We spent several hours staring at it from as close as we could get and I think it's had a strange effect on Cribbins. He was totally mesmerised by it and when it was time to leave I had to physically shake him and he gave me the strangest look, like he had been gazing at alien vistas full of wonder. I shall have to pay more attention to the operation of the spacecraft. Just in case.

Day 30
Leaving Polaris far behind the next stop is Celaeno. This location is well documented in the stories and we will search for the fabled library. I have a good feeling about this one. With the clues we've uncovered so far I'm sure there is something big to come. Cribbins is acting strangely. I fear for his wellbeing. I'll have to keep a close eye on him.

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nothing I could do. I don't dare to go back. I was able to launch the craft myself and have plotted a course back for Sol. His death will not have been in vain. I have the figurine which prooves it wasn't just a terrible nightmare.

Day 50 something
I don't think I'm headed for Sol. Fuel is low and the scoop won't work. Although I've stopped taking the drug I still have the dreams. I remember it all. The obsidian cathedral, the man in the tattered robe, the face beneath the mask. I can still hear Cribbins' screams. But I couldn't help him. How could I go back?
The statuette is warm. I think I'll name it New Cribbins.

Day day day
It was the wrong sort of star to scoop. I got to the correct sort and was able to refuel. Nearly at Sol. I think they are coming for New Cribbins. It's mine. Mine. I found it. He tried to stop me taking it. The subterranean vault, the hidden temple. It wasn't a strong blow I struck him but then he fell and his helmet cracked. The screams. It was promised to me. The Yellow King promised it to me. Not sure what was dream and what wasn't. I have the statue. It tells me which course to plot.

Day 1
This is my first day as a disciple of the Yellow King. I see the Bayakhees outside the ship. They cannot get in. The Eldar sign keeps them at bay. Flapping, scratching, crawling, but they can't get in. They have come for the statue.
They are coming in! The Eldar sign has failed. I shall go out to meet them. Book and Statue. Prorect me lord Hastur, for I am your servant. Carve the yellow sign upon my flesh. Let me drown in the frigid waters of lake Hali. I come to you.

<file ends>
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