Logbook entry

Data log found in an abandoned spacecraft pt4 - Following the path

15 Sep 2020Orion Blacksun
<ship's log>
<Nyarlathotep ORI-07>
<Cmdr Orion Blacksun>
<14 aug 3306>

Day 2
I had never actually been to Sol before. Strange how this expedition was the reason for my first visit. So rather than visiting the sites or trading I'm looking for monsters, or whatever the hell I'm actually doing here.
There was nothing here. Of course not. But I did visit the university on Earth where Montgomery lectured. Security was pretty tight so I didn't ask too many questions.
I also encountered some adepts of the machine cult from Mars. Quite junior judging by ther minimal augmentation. But the red robes and smell of engine oil made them unmistakable. They tend not to interact with outsiders much so I didn't approach them. It's whispered that their Arch Magi are more mechanical than biological and many hundreds of years old, but they never leave their temples so who knows? A poignant reminder that strange cults do exist even today.

Day 18
I've now been to the first 10 systems on the route. The ones in the bubble that were populated had no room for mystery. Only further afield did I see anything of interest. In Epsilon Hydrae I found a planet with very deep craters. Possibly natural, but to me they looked like the entrances to gargantuan tunnels. As if the planet had been riddled with colossal worms.
These systems are all named and so well visited. Any CMDR heading from A to B will be drawn to something with a name that isn't just a string of random numbers.
Still, I'll keep on course as the route takes me further out.

Day 25
Been in deep space for several days. I'm starting to get a feeling that I'm being watched. Like there is a presence of some sort in the copilot's chair. Every now and then I think I catch some movement out if the corner of my eye. I'm trying to get a picture with the internal cameras

Day 31
I don't know if I should feel good about this... I got a picture of something in the copilot's chair. It looks like the ghost image of another chair superimposed onto the one that is really there. At least my sanity is vindicated but I really don't know what to make of this. The route takes me back into populated space and I think I need a break from this before I lose it. I'll park the phantom in Ix, upload this log, and return later.

This is Commander Orion Blacksun signing off.
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