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Capt log LOCO ltg adventures with ling young ru

29 May 2016LOCO ltg
I stopped trading in the ltf 37 system to join my Comrade joker  in ling young RU 's power  is serch for a weapon he offers so I grabbed a fule scoop  and went along made the long travil to lembava I disassembled my vulture cause I wanted my asp with me too and I reassembled it in lembava. I get there just to find out ithey didn't have my ship.I was a little mad but I found one in a close system   so I made the journey to the Artemis system to pic one up so I arrived safely at the port .when I did I started to outfit my ship then noticed they don't sell the power plant I needed they only had a 3 A I needed a 5A so I couldn't really up grade anything so I started my trip back to Goldstine port I notice I can only make short jumps I had to jump 3 systems to make it back I'm beginning to think I should of just flew it out here instead of building it again from scratch on my way in I get interdicted I barely excape now I am at the port and I'm putting my ship together and notice they don't have my shield generators ...dam it!!!! Mean wile my friend joker is 100 lys away assassinating diplomats .so I head back to the Artemis system to buy my shields finally done so I head up to the system ...classified.... I arrive and we commence in the murders I felt a little wrong about it but then I think about the political bull shit they have put other people thru so I tell my self they probably deserve it when I get there I run into an eagle so it went down fast .then joker pulls in a python and we both go at him he puts up a good fight my shield go off line and I am takeing hull damage joker comes in with his fur de lance and started hiring Jim hard and his attention turns away from me so I bumbard him with pulse lasers  and he gos down a security vessels come in a python and starts to in load I think maybe we can take him so we start fighting then two more jump in and took my shields down fast so I hit my boosts to get out of there hit the fsd drive and was gone down to 23% hull ..it was a close one we stayed out there for a wile ..made a good 200 merets and a 150.000$ bounty lol  we will see were this takes us more later..
CPT LOCO ltg out
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