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So what am I to do now?

25 Jul 2020Pbrstreetgang
Been doing this a long time since I started out. After 50+ years I'm not sure I want to do this anymore.

I thought I'd be a scientist or an engineer but that didn't pan out. I realized that I needed to do something quick and stick with it. The only thing that interested me was knowing something else was out there, that there was more to it then what I was doing.
Got a job working a T9 with cargo at the docks. I was finally going to get off this barren rock. It was definitely hard work but I was excited to see what was out there. Took a few years but a position opened and I started working on the ship, the War Pig. It was a full transport ship with a few defensive weapons. It wouldn't have stood a chance against the pirates but gave it just enough time to get back into hyperspace and get the hell out of there. I still remember the first time leaving the planet, it felt like a weight being taken off my shoulders and the feeling of flying reinforced my desire to see what was out there. For months, we traveled from system to system. We were landing in these stations unloading as quick as we could while the CMDR went in search of the next load. Didn't get to see much of the stations unless we were in for repairs but I didn't mind, there was plenty of downtime jumping between stations which let me stare out the windows as we traveled in hyperspace. One station, the main dock guy said he would help get my pilots badge, for a fee of course. No apprentice or probationary time needed. I realized that was the first time I had a spark of interest in anything. I didn't believe them, but continued the thought. I daydreamed of flying my own ships, jumping into systems that no one has been to before. They asked if I could fly the sidewinder and I said "pfft, of course". Next time through they would take me to see the guy. For the next few months I squirreled away my savings, thinking this was all still BS but hell what could it hurt right?

Back at port, unload faster than I ever have, and head to go see the "guy" Fat Tony. He was in a smokey backroom, smell of cigar, looking at me sideways, wondering if I was more than I was. He throws me the credentials and after a few hundred credits, I have my full license.  This covered every ship, from the sidewinder to the T9. It even covered both Fed and Imperial ships and the only training was "good luck, and don't get cocky kid". Other than the War Pig, I'd never been in another ship. I left his office and felt unstoppable. Then realized I had no idea what the hell to do with it.
I started spending time on the bridge, watching and learning from the old timers that flew the ship. Slowly, I took over the navigation part for the CMDR, taking notes on entry angles into neutron stars and which stations paid the most. If anything, it got me out of the cargo hold. I was able to get off the ship with the CMDR, making his contacts my contacts. I also started noticing the "shady" individuals at every port. Funny, they try to be nonchalant, not paying any mind to whats going on, but in reality, they see everything, hear everything and they all look the same, station to station.
The CMDR would give me a list of "provisions" to get depending on the port. Exit the ship, light a smoke and wait. You start seeing who's who and what belongs and what doesn't. Usually within a few minutes I can figure out and with a head nod get the black market local to a quiet place to acquire the items on my "list".
Years of training honing my craft, on the ship and off, I became very profitable for the CMDR. The haggling, black markets deals and contacts helped get the War Pig into a lucrative trading schedule. We stopped running cargo for the stations and went into business for ourselves. Buy low, sell high became our mantra. We set up trade loops with a few systems that net us millions of credits per run. Life was good, for now.

 Everything changed that one day and I'll never forget it.

Running a load of reactive armor out to the Paestae system. The Gaiman Barracks was way out, I mean way out. I never liked being in hyperspace that long but it paid very well and we got soft from having success after success. The crew was sleeping and I was barely keeping it together. The interdiction came without warning, grabbing hold of us and throwing us around like a tin can. The FSD kicked off and we slammed out of hyperdrive. 4 or 5 pirates came out with us, surrounding us. Scanner warnings went off all over the ship. We heard limpets slam into the hull, ripping the cargo hatch open. They knew what we had and planned to take it all. The CMDR of the War Pig was yelling commands but most of us were still trying to get off the floor after the FSD failed. He jumped in the seat, tried to start the engines to at least get some distance between us and them. He fired off a few mines and chaff, then hit the boost. We were not fast at all. I could imagine the pirates laughing at our attempt to run, especially with our FSD down. They had us and they knew it.  
The CMDR pulls the throttle back and comes to a halt. The limpets were already in our hold unloading, there was nothing we could do. He tried to get on comms to talk with the pirates, maybe we knew the same people? One of the pirates in a Vulture pulls around to the front, lights on, weapons deployed, trying to intimidate says "I've come a long way for this". The CMDR slams down on the controls, two small but hidden multi cannons pop up and he sprays the vulture with ordinance. We stood in shock, what the hell is he doing? He's gonna get us all killed! I dive to the right, sliding under the wing seat and felt intense heat as the bridge is washed in a bright red glow.
The depressurization of the bridge sucked the crew out. I would have followed but I got wrapped around the base of the wingman seat. Holding the base with all my strength I closed my eyes and waited to be able to move again. Felt like hours, more likely minutes until the ship equalized with the cold of space. I picked my head up and thought "this is where it ends for me". I had 5 minutes of life support left.
The pirates were finished and moving already, they were good. They knew exactly what they were doing, like a military mission, in and out, no time for BS.
Thank Odin for that because I was able to get into the seat and scan the stars in front of me. The HUD was gone so I started frantically running star systems in my head. Which ones had a station that I could get to in time? I slowed my breathing and relaxed, focusing on the stars. They started popping out at me, I couldn't continue to the barracks, I had to jump. There's HIP 12314. Blair station? no large landing, Coney Plant? yes! Close to the star, planetary base with large pad. No time to waste, I hit boost, take off flight assist and spin the pig around, boost again, spool up the FSD and go.
Will I have enough time? Witchspace looks much different without having a barrier between you and it. The Pig is groaning like I've never heard before but I know this ship, she will stay together.

Jump out and the pig's first challenge, not running straight into the star. I pull hard left and start manually scanning for my planet. Its only a few hundred LS from the star so I start looping around. The fuel scoop opens and I realize the intense heat without a front screen. I'll need to point away if I'm going to make it.
Finally, there it is, point and boost, down to 3 minutes left. I can hear the planetary approach system kick on, lights in the distance, 2 minutes, I really hope that's it or I'm done. I call for approach and head in before they grant it. Last challenge, how the hell am I gonna land: auto pilot. Without a HUD it will be tough to land, so I throttle back and feel it kick in, thanking Odin once more, I made it.

The more I think of that day the more I see how much those pirates shaped my destiny....
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︎3 Shiny!
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