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So what am I to do now? p2

26 Jul 2020Pbrstreetgang
I made it. Not by much but I made it. I quickly head inside to refill my suit and then assess the damage. Anyone else survive on the ship? Surely I would have heard from them by now? Authorities are asking a lot of questions that I'm not sure the answers to. I I'll ask to have the ship sent to outfitting so I could look it over better, plus it gets it away from the Feds snooping around.

It's gonna cost a bit of credits to get the pig back to normal. I don't think I can afford it, but figure the crew won't mind me borrowing some of their savings, seeing they won't be needing it anymore. Yea, seems cold but honestly, I'm on my own. I start stripping the ship for anything I can sell off. I need the Pig running so I'm not stuck on this rock. I need to get somewhere other than here, once I jump I'll be in the clear. I don't think I was suppose to survive that attack. The pirates will find out soon enough that a T9 missing half of the front ended up in port .

I stripped the pig down the best I could, found a few credits in the bunks of the crews and a hidden compartment in the CMDRs state room. I stood there looking in the cavity of the ship that I never knew was there. Painite is an interesting mineral, it has a strange red glow when light refracts off of it. There was a few tons of it packed into the frame of the compartment. How the hell did this get on here without me knowing? It had to have been here a long time, maybe it was the CMDR's retirement fund.
I loaded a ton into a gravity crate and headed to the commodities market. I felt like I was back in my element. Haggled with a few vendors and walked away with enough credits to repair the Pig up nice, and then some.  I figure there will be a few hours before I can get going so I'll get some "provisions" for the ride to well, I really don't know where.
I head to the dock, find an out of the way place, light a smoke and wait. Doesn't take long for the place to be talking about the load of painite that came in. I guess they don't get those minerals around these areas and is in high demand. Hmm, seems like getting lost in an asteroid ring a few hundred light years away might not be a bad idea right now, especially if these "pirates" are gonna be looking for me. I finally find the BM local and get my provisions and some extra information about the painite and why its such a hot topic. I guess there is a huge demand for painite, low temp diamonds and a few select minerals. Stations are paying absolute huge prices for this stuff and its pure profit, for Just a few hours of time.
That was enough for me, I headed to outfitting and purchased mining lasers, SSD, blasters, limpet controllers and the rest cargo area, making sure I got the instructions on how to use these things.  I eased the Pig out of the pad, did a quick system check and got out of dodge. Not knowing which direction to go, I turned and headed to the edge of the bubble. Turned local comms on and started asking questions. Dozens of jumps later and I started piecing information together, icy rings, hotspots, double and triple hotspots. Interesting stuff and I pull up the codex and start researching anything I can find on it. Finally, I get a good location. Col 285 sector CC-K a38-2. I've never been to that area but I'm sure gonna be a regular around those parts. I'm starting to feel better about getting farther away from those "pirates". Something doesn't seem right about that whole thing, how they found us, what we were carrying? I'll have to think about this later on.
I might have to think of a new name for the War Pig, she's handling better than she ever did. Wait, who am I kidding, this thing is still a sled, a shiny new sled but still a pig wading through the mud kind of sled. Maybe after some mining I'll be able to upgrade to one of those fancy ships that blow past like I'm standing still.

Finally arrive at the destination. No pirate issues so far, so I think I might be in the clear. Man, so many ships in range of my scanners, carrier ships? I'll have to look into what they cost. Now, to find these hotspots....
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