Logbook entry

So what am I to do now? p3

28 Jul 2020Pbrstreetgang
_Organized chaos is how I would describe what's happening around me after dropping out of hyperspace. Hundreds of ships of all shapes and sizes, dropping in and out of the "hotspot" for low temperature diamonds. It's like a circus with the amount of ships, even the feds are here trying to keep some order.  I slow to a stop and look at the scanner information. It looks like the zone is a few Km in all directions. I guess I'll go until the crowd thins out. I point towards the planet and boost, slowly heading away from the others.
I've had plenty of time to study up on the operations of the different mining equipment. In theory, I know what I'm doing.  In reality, I'm lost and amazed by the shear number of asteroids in this ring. Just the area that I can see before the haze obscures it is impressive. I think, Each one has the potential to make me millions in credits.  After traveling for 30 minutes or so I start seeing less and less of the signature red or green beams shooting across, impacting a rock and the flume of the limpets swarming around a small looking ship, collecting the fragments of some mineral.
traveling another 5Km from there I come to an area that seems void of others.  Good place as any I guess. Now, which one. I hit the scanner and watch as a wave of light heads from the ship. The HUD shows small pockets of yellow where minerals would be and it seems to be on the majority of the rocks in the area.  I guess this is a good spot then, saying to myself in jest as I really don't have a clue if it is or not.
I shoot a prospector and sit and wait, I'm in no rush, no where to be. I sit and stare at the rocks floating around, not paying attention to anything particular. That was a mistake, the loudspeaker  screams out scan detected. I snap out of it, look at the screen, see three blips closing fast. Damn, how did they find me so fast? I hit the boost and head toward the asteroid field. I know I can't outrun them but maybe I can lose them somehow in the field. Flawed thinking I know, they are much more nimble than the Pig, so it might be me slamming into a rock at high speed.

I didn't get far, they were on me just as I passed the edge into the field. I made two or three turns around the rocks to come straight in line with an Anaconda with full weapons deployed. Not a lot of options for me, they have me boxed in. Even trying to turn would put me brushing against them. Hmm, wait a minute, that's not a bad idea. Pips to engines, Boost and point right at the Conda. I figure if I'm going out then I'm taking someone with me.
Just before impact, I boost one last time and switch pips over to shields. I thank Odin for me upgrading the shields the last time we went past the engineer. But will it be enough?

Full throttle, straight into the nose of the Conda. Bells and sirens and flashing lights are at max volume. The ship rocks to the left, rotating the ass end around as we slide along the top of the ship. I'm flung around but stay in my seat as small wisps of smoke start coming out of the control panel. Warning, Warning blazing through the speakers. yes I know, thanks.   I then hear it, the comms speakers must be damaged.  What the frak are you doing? I'm a federal agent! I pound on the speaker cover and hear quite clearly now, We are federal agents, this is a routine scan. You try and ram me again and I'll open that tin can up. Well that's embarrassing, um, yea, sorry about that, I thought you were someone else.

Man, I need to get that fixed.
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︎6 Shiny!
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