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So what am I to do now? p5

02 Aug 2020Pbrstreetgang
_ Its been months of running LTDs to different stations and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. I've had a few run ins with pirates which I was able to jump back into hyperspace without much damage to the shields. Luckily, with a few modifications to the FSD, it spools up much quicker than normal. I think that's my only saving grace as the pirates are not ready for it. I guess they think they have time to scan before I'm able to get out.

I have to say, I have made more credits than I know what to do with. I'm talking tens of billions of credits. That kind of credit makes a person have deep thoughts on where and what they want to do with the rest of their lives. I don't have family to share it with so my options are charities, take over a station with money and influence or just go and see whats out there in the black.

The last time I was in port I did some research on these fleet carriers that seem to be everywhere in this system. From what I'm gathering, it's that the need to have a "home port" is obsolete.  Just pack everything into the carrier and head out. You hire a crew to run the ins and outs and we can go anywhere and see everything if we wanted to. A few million credits in upkeep and payroll a week could be an issue for some but I'm sure twenty billion credits could take me a long way. The only drawback that I've found is fuel for the damn thing. It's not easy to come by and it seems that prices for it in stations are on the rise. Maybe I'll keep an look out for a good mining area just to fill the hold. I still think its not a bad investment, especially if these "pirates" are still on the hunt for me.  With twenty capital hardpoints, this ship can take care of itself, and anyone in it. Plus, the cargo hold for materials are much greater than the War Pig. I'd only have to jump to and from the ship after mining to unload.
Fine, It's settled, I've talked myself into getting a fleet carrier. On my next run to a station, I'll swing through to get a carrier.
I make a call and get the location of a Drake class carrier installation, made by the Brewer Corp. I'll head to Skeggiko O system on the way to drop off this load of LTD's. He also tells me the market price for LTDs are starting to jump wildly between 900k and 1.7 mill per ton. I guess I could always hold on the the LTD's until the price heads back up. Also, I  don't need this painite in the hold anymore. I think I got plenty of credits that I don't have to worry about retirement like the last commander.

Every scan makes me nervous as I head to the capital construction site. I need to get these diamonds out of my hold. I'm greeted at the airlock by the sales guy. He goes right into his rehearsed speech. Umm... ok, there are so many options on the carrier, more than I thought I'd need until it was offered. Black Market? well, you never know when it might be helpful. A few will definitely be a must, rearm, repair and refuel. I'm sure whatever I plan on doing, I'll need those at the least. So, wiping the grease and dirt off my hand, I shake on the purchase of a five billion credit carrier. Never in all my life would I have thought I'd be buying a fleet carrier, or have five billion to drop on it like this. I light a smoke while the paperwork goes through and grin to myself.
 I take the shuttle out with the sales guy to meet the captain, Tesla Carlson. She is as sharp as they come, working capital ships for ten years and finally got her captain's license. Good thing too, as I have no idea how to drive this, I thought the War Pig was difficult to maneuver. I sit with her and the sales guy to go over the extras. That's where they make their money, so he is trying his hardest to get me to get all the bells and whistles. Once he says You can always come back to deactivate certain modules. I was hooked. Sounds good to me, load it up. Like I said 'You never know'.

First thing to do is dump the Pig's cargo and strip it down to a bare hull. I don't think I've ever seen it like this. It was cavernous back there. The cargo racks get installed and I head over to the shipyard for a "get-around". Something smaller that I can use as a nimble mining ship. The sales guy slaps a python and says This baby will run circles around those rocks and still have the power to boost out of any situation. The ship is shaped like a wedge.   Good enough for me, I'll take it. Now to head to the crew lounge to see about hiring a miner. That will free up some time for me to get familiar with the carrier.
Arlo Guidry was the name of the tall, lanky miner. He just walked into the lounge, bag still on his shoulder. I asked where he was coming from and to my surprise, the accent that came out was quite unique. I think I understood most of the words coming out of his mouth, something about it being too hot and muggy where he last worked. He wanted to be somewhere cool and dry. He noticed the dirt and grease on me and wanted to know what it was I was looking for. We talked for a bit and though a quick contract,  finalized it with a handshake. I have a feeling he will work just fine in the crew and organization.
As we heading to the Carrier, I was wondering what to call it. Something catchy? or dark and foreboding? It is a mining ship after all. Just then Arlo looks up and says Lord almighty, that's a big ship. Well, that settles it then, its now the Almighty.
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︎1 Shiny!
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