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I didn't think I'd end up in medical

22 Apr 2023Desdar Elrius
The shot that hit my leg was clean, sterile, and lucky didn't hit any big veins or arteries. I should be out off here in about 40 to 50 minutes. My hands finally calmed down. I'd like to put it to the alcohol, but I know that's not it.

There was a lot that happened. I get off the ship for an afternoon in a bar for a drink, nothing more.
At first, it was just that. A drink and a nice talk. I met some nice people and an abominable person.

Silvia. A gentle soul that needed time to work through some trauma an outsider like me shouldn't have gotten involved in. Too bad her troubles didn't think so. I don't like it but I need information from her.

Silvia's friend. No nonsense, with hard edges at least. Maybe military or ex-military. If I remember correctly she was part of Diaz's inventory.
I think both feel guilty over involving me in their troubles. I almost died to my own need for honor and protocol, so I involved myself in their troubles.

Eliza. She knows how to make people worry about her as you would a child. Her thoughts seem innocent and lack common sense, but surprisingly attentive to the larger picture. If truly angered she would probably have been the most dangerous person in the bar. Nevertheless, I hope I can hear about some of her adventures in the future.

Marcus Diaz. When he first entered the bar I thought him an angry honorless brute that would fold back under pressure and leave us alone. I shudder to know that someone like him could have become a slave trader. To many like him and the Empire will collapse just like the Roman Empire.

Looking through records I can't find much about him. An entry a month back; an increase to a 500 million bounty for murder. Doesn't say whom he killed. From the amount I get the feeling, it must have been a member of the imperial family.
I don't think that Diaz was acting alone. If my speculation is right then he should have a powerful backer, he couldn't have killed a Duval without. I need to get enough information so that I can track him down.

20 more minutes. Let's see if I can dig up more about Diaz in that time.
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