Logbook entry

Preperation for a personal hunt

29 Apr 2023Desdar Elrius
I'm ready to go to 69 G. Carinae C 5 A. My old friend O'Donnell has agreed to remote the fighters again.

We flew some missions and despite the long time I was gone, I'm quite sure that we'll manage to run away from everything we can't beat.

Onfoot I'm not sure how I'll fare. It's clear I need to be merciless if I get attacked. Diaz left me alive, he could have easily killed me, had he wanted to. I can't take those risks again. That means I need to shoot to kill.
I did some target practice as well as run some combat simulations and I feel like I learned a lot.
In an open area without cover, I quickly die.
In an area with cover, if I don't pay attention to the enemies trying to flank me, I quickly die.
In settlements, I can't get trapped in a dead-end, where I'll run dry and get killed when I try to escape.

As for the plan, I'll need access to the main computer in the settlement, and for that, I probably need to activate the main reactor. I'll see if I can remove the memory for a later readout, but I don't think I'll be able to do so. I'm really nervous about exploring the abandoned stronghold.

Lastly. I had the techs remove the Shinybigemptybox and Farseer from mothball and back into active service. Walking through the ships I realized that Gutamaya makes exceptionally livable ships, while DeLancy's ships are quite shoddy. I'll make sure to buy a Gutamaya for my AX aspirations. I couldn't live it down if I came back from a successful AX hunt just to get tangled in DeLancy's shoddy wirework.

Covas informs me that we are ready. I'm checking in on O'Donnell, she is comfortable in the fighter lounge. I ask for launch clearance, and the platform my ship is resting on starts moving.

I leave my nervousness behind, I'm on the hunt again. Let's pick the trails in the void.
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