Logbook entry

Into the lion's den

02 May 2023Desdar Elrius
I'm going through my available information.

Jules suddenly pulled out system logs about the occupancy of the compound after Silvia has left. Old access that wasn't deleted, a trap from Diaz, or a trap from Jules?

I know that they went through much and Jules' lost her arm to escape Diaz but she pulls out crucial information at the most unexpected times. Almost as if it's planned to lead me down a specific path. Into a trap. Maybe I'm paranoid, but there are scenarios where I could see her delivering me to Diaz to try and ensure her and Silvia's safety.

I'm happy O'Donnell agreed to come along. I can trust my back to her so as long as we are careful, we'll manage.

I open a comm channel to O'Donnell and mute the open common channel with Jules.

"This is probably going to be more dicey than anticipated. Whatever happens, you take the rear guard if I am asked to take the vanguard. If Jules is the trap you disable but don't kill her."

"Aye, but yer honor is gonna get yer killed one day."

"I'm willing to take that risk. Take an additional grenade in the form of a flashbang." I'm cross-referencing Jules' information with the bounty databank "It's all kill bounties but it's easier to clear a room when they don't shoot back."

"Yer'll wear a Dominator suit too, reit? With all Manticore?"

"No, I'll be wearing the Maverick. I want to be able to get in and out of places we're not supposed to."

I switch back to the open channel to ask a few more questions to Jules. As I wait for the answer I check the radar. No ships except us around. 2 minutes until the long, low glide to Gardner Point. Hopefully Jules can dispel some of my worries concerning her. I'd like to know that I can trust my back to her.
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︎1 Shiny!
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