Logbook entry

The steep learning curve

19 Nov 2020Sir Sprockett
This Pilots life is consuming.

I got my self a new ship, the Imperial Clipper (Bad Advice), very impressed, thou too much sucking up to those imperial elitists, never does you any good.

Been busy helping at the recently attacked Station. Nasty business, and in Fed space... I feel only trouble brewing.

No ganking of recent, is it to do with the new ship, you must wonder.  Would you fly around in an Asp X in the bubble when you could be in many other more threatening ships.. Easy prey is the Gankers way.

I have the ASP X ( I was never here) ready for an explore. I would like to be able to travel with a fellow explorer, as they say two's company.  Somebody to chew the fat with over the many '000s of light years to cross, the emptiness of the Void, the black - does scare one, ever so slightly...

Well time to wrap up and get comfy in the holo bed and dial up some filth from the Milky Way porn hub...
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