Logbook entry

Never enough time in the Galaxy

06 Dec 2020Sir Sprockett
So much to do, so little time...

My new ship purchase "All right Guv?" has proved her worth. Defending against the Code in their Engineered battle wagons, we fought back and dealt damage, but eventually we were over come. Had both ships been on equal engineering then I think I would have flown away from the fight, instead of  waking up in my Clone machine.

I met my 1st Commander friend out in the Void, both in our Couriers, we ship bowed each other and then went looking for trouble, Commander Sakashiro has a lot more experience in this Galaxy then I.  It is good to know that not all Commanders in the Void are out to Kill you.

 I hope that CMDR Sakashiro and I can go on some more adventures, and over time I hope that I get too meet more cool Commanders.

I have been busy with my Secret Service duties. The ones I create for myself!  I have been quietly working my way up in both the Imperial and Federation courts, bowing and being servile, taking their orders, not questioning and only succeeding.

I have also quietly been helping the Alliance - as I think that when the Federation and the Empire start fighting in the open, then being in neither camp will serve to survive the bloodshed!

I am currently on a little deep space exploration, the Alliance is gathering data on Ammonia worlds and their life forms.  Where we know the Thargoids like to hang out around. Personally I think space is big enough for us to let the Thargoids be in theirs and Humanity in ours.  This blatant killing of them is only going to hurt Humanity in our future.  We do not have a good enough understanding of their species nor where they come from. I smell trouble brewing especially if 2/3rds of humanity are warring with each out, if I was a potential enemy, I would strike then!

I must get exploring, seeking out new worlds. I have camped myself on a Moon in the Wregoe BC-T c17-10 system, and have been watching the sun rise over the orbiting Moons planet. I have drunk my coffee, done my diary and taken in the view of this amazing universe...

Time to live or die...

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