Logbook entry

Communications Down

08 Apr 2016Fenris Wolf
Sending this message via a beacon I've found out here in deep space, or rather the remains of a beacon I found on a planet's surface whilst looking for synthesis materials. It was a bit smashed up, but I was able to patch it up enough to get the transmitter working.

Really missing my co-pilot Cmdr D. Chainsaw as she would've been able to access the beacon easier than me. But she decided to stay behind when I set out on this trip so I sorted out a new ship for her (Cobra MkIII) and her share of the profits we made from bounty hunting. The last I saw of her she was heading to Arjung to meet-up with some of the members of the Terran Trade Authority who have set up a base in that system. Hopefully catch up with her when (hah... IF) I get back.

Finding a damaged Nav Beacon

Before setting out again, I had Gelgja (my Anaconda) fully refitted for deep space and installed the new Planetary Landing Module and Vehicle Hangar/Bay for the SRVs so I could get down to the planet's surface. Everything is working well apart from a small accident a couple of thousand light years back... I'd landed on an Icy/Rocky Moon which had a very low gravity, about a tenth of Earth gravity, and I was pulling some stunts in the SRV... One of which was trying to jump and land on the Anaconda! I succeeded in doing it but managed to hit the communications systems and damage them beyond repair. This was why I was glad to see the beacon to send out a few messages and perhaps scavenge some parts to repair the ships systems.

Before the low-gravity stunts!

I've been out of the 'bubble' for quite some time now, there is something about deep space that really appeals to me. The emptiness, the solitude, the silence of the stars... it keeps dragging me back time and time again. And there are so many undiscovered systems out here, each one virgin territory for mankind.

System HIP 9 - Multiple Gas Giants

System WREDGUIA - Metal Madness

The two inner planets in the Metal Madness image are both classed as High Metal Content by the ADScanner so I went down tot he surface or each one to pick up some synthesis materials and I hit pay dirt!

Arsenic, Chromium, Niobium, Polonium, Vanadium and Yttrium

All the materials needed for enhancing the FSD, allowing the ship to jump distances up to 100% further. Standard jump is currently 36.2ly, so with the highest enhancement I'll be able to jump over 70ly in a single bound. No need to worry about crossing the The Formidine Rift now!

When I landed on the first of these planets it was pretty late so I dropped down on the dark side of the planet, prepared the SRV and went for a kip. I awoke as the sun was coming over the horizon to an amazing sight, even though this planet was a barren atmosphere-less wasteland, the colours in the landscape made me think I was still dreaming...

The Many Coloured Land

The second planet I went to was the nearest to the system's star, the surface looked like a mad Dutch painter from the 20th Century had been let loose...

Glorious Landscape - The Mad Painter

It was here that I made a discovery that sent shivers down my spine. Even though this system was registered as Unexplored, I found the remains of an SRV. It looked like there had been an explosion of some sort as all that was left was the chassis and main body parts. I looked around for any human remains, but couldn't find any. That didn't mean that they survived the explosion though. I made a note of the wreckages position in my logs and moved on.

Missing - Presumed Dead

That put a bit of a dampener on things and I no longer felt comfortable there so I recalled my ship and headed out to the stars again. It wasn't long before my heart was lifted again with the beauty of the universe...

Ringed Giant Eclipse

Dual Eclipse

The Magnificence

Time to sleep...

It's starting to get dark down here next to the Nav Beacon, so I'll sign off and hope this message reaches back home. Bye for now...

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