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BATTLE REPORT: Cerberus Syndicate Joins The Anti-Xeno Crusade

16 May 2021IXXX

Thargoids have invaded the Bubble again for the first time in years. Last time they showed up, they surrounded and nearly annihilated Sol before withdrawing mysteriously. This time, they're pushing again, striking the California Nebula for the first time as well as Pleiedes and Coal. AXI is focusing on fighting them in their home system HQ at Delphi.

My squadron Cerberus Syndicate is mobilizing members to rapidly mobilize AX ship builds and muster to form AX wings to assist the AXI in defending humanity from Thargoid aggression. I've researched the best available Guardian module farming plans and AX ship builds and disseminated the info across our squad comms channels. Many have prepared fresh builds or built their first AX ships like myself to take on this threat for the first time.

The best guide I found to shieldless cold orbiting tactics was a video produced by AXI:


We have engaged the Thargoid invasion fleet in the California Nebula. I built an AXI meta cold orbiting shieldless Chieftain based on the AXI's recommended build plans.

So far just scouts. I destroyed 8 scouts and engaged a first Interceptor and hopped out to repair before returning for a second wave.


California Nebula was scantily populated with defenders. My attempts to motivate volunteers to help from the EDC Discord failed, with most saying they couldn't be bothered to defend humanity because they were too busy clubbing pirates, mining or haling cargo. I wish more pilots took the Xeno threat seriously at a time like this when they are encroaching system by system in an all out assault. How will they mine when their favorite systems get wiped out? Which pirates will they bounty when the pirates are wiped out by Thargoids? They seem complacent and convinced that AXI will save them.

I teamed up with my Cerberus squadmates and linked up with the Anti-Xeno Initiative on the AXI Discord voice channels to discuss the wider scope of the war. They recommended joining them in Delphi in defending the Galaxy Rangers HQ where AXI pilots were focused. I called for our squadron brothers to hop on the C.S.S.InfinityGauntlet and set a course for Delphi. LegendaryMaDude hopped aboard and we jumped out together.

Once we arrived in Delphi, we joined up with AXI pilot Bobbokill in wing and we prosecuted payback against the Thargoid invaders. I started to pick up on the rhythm of wearing their shields down, exposing their hearts and gauss cannoning them apart while staying cold with thermal beams. We shredded 3 basilisks and some medusas. They made such pretty explosions but I caught some nasty corrosion by flying through my first kill.

I limped back to station with 2% hull, landing very very carefully to claim my first 48 million Thargoid combat bonds.

I rearmed and teamed up with my squadmate Validating666 to take on a combat zone. We shredded a Cyclops. I got a strange corrosion that wouldn't go away even after repeated heat cooking and blew up.

It popped much more quickly than the basilisks.

This concludes my first battle report in Anti-Xeno fighting on behalf of Cerberus Syndicate and the rest of humanity. End of file.

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