Logbook entry


25 Jun 2021IXXX


Once you get comfortable doing space combat, you may want to pick a group you want to fight for. Elite's political system supports different levels of involvement at different scales.

Squadrons, Background Simulation & Powerplay

  • At the lowest level are squadrons, groups of players that may choose to align themselves with the bigger factions and superpowers.
  • Player minor factions are factions set up by player squadrons by request to FDEV. The PMF allows a squadron to do BGS to control territory for the faction that shares their name. The squadron's description is visible from the Galaxy Map on their headquarters system.
  • Non-player minor factions represent the many civilian and military groups within the game. Eg. Sirius Corporation is a NPMF controlled by the Li-Yong Rui Powerplay faction.
  • Powerplay Powers are independent or subgroups of Superpowers. They represent rival power groups within the superpower vying for control over it. Eg. Aisling Duval and Lavigny Duval fighting over ruling the Empire.
  • Superpowers are the highest level groups. The Federation, Empire and Alliance contain many Powerplay Power factions within them vying for dominance.

Powerplay & BGS Discords
Player squadrons, player minor factions and powerplay power groups all have Discord servers where they recruit and strategize and conduct diplomacy with other groups.

There is a BGS Discord shared by all BGS participants as a learning and diplomacy community.

Below is a list of all the Power Play groups and their Discords and Reddits.
  • If you’re earning merits, reach out to your Power Play group first to ensure you help and not hinder them!
  • Also, if you want to make your squadron a player minor faction, be sure to pick a government type compatible with the powerplay faction.

Power Play Player Groups

How Background Simulation Works
The core of Elite politics is the BGS. Everything that happens in a system affects the economic influence of factions in charge or giving missions or being targeted by missions.

Novaforce BGS Guide and Remlok BGS Guide are thorough guides to how the rules work. It can be a bit overwhelming to learn all the mechanics, but there are some basics you can learn and apply in understanding how to start doing BGS.

Here's a chart summarizing the core mechanics:

Player Minor Faction Government Types Must Match Powerplay
Player squadrons of 5 or more players can choose a description and government type for a player minor faction that they submit for approval to FDEV.
  • Once approved, the player minor faction becomes part of the lore of Elite.
  • Make sure to choose a government type that is favorable to the Powerplay faction you want to pledge to.
  • If you choose a government type that is unfavorable to a powerplay faction, it hurts their upkeep economy and they may decide to push you out of control of your system. You'll still have a headquarters there, but you'll have to fight against a huge group to maintain control of the system.
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