Logbook entry


30 Jun 2021IXXX


How to quickstart your PVE progression to prepare for the PVP GUIDE

UPDATED DEC 5: Added 4 week markers to the phases chart. NOV 26: Added Hutton Orbital Free Anacondas. OCT 19: Replaced Mahlanja which isn't working anymore with Wally Bei for 50M trade mission routes. AUG 19: Added careers chart. JULY 17: Added TLDR sections. JULY 12: Added distinct Travel Prep, Rank Grind & Engineering phases. PVE BUILDS split into its own page. Overhauled rank grind section to add Canopus cargo route. Added discount info for rank grind ships. Added Type 9 and Cutter cargo builds. Added clarified phases. Corrected trade systems. Added courier/jump/trade/bounty progression instructions.


It takes a lot of prep to become ready for successful PVP combat, and this PVE Fast Track Guide is a quick start to getting all your preparation completed so you're at 100% fighting strength to start PVPing as quickly as possible so you can start the PVP Guide.

TLDR: You'll be "Meta" in 4 weeks.

Start by pledging to Aisling for Prismatic Shields and you'll get the rest of your ship engineering done in the 4 weeks it takes to unlock them.
  • Complete the PVE prep phases as quickly as possible.
  • Build the recommended PVE builds starting with the DBX Jump Ship.
  • Once you get the FDL you can do casual PVP practice throughout the prep phases and do your best till your ship is fully engineered with Prismos.


The process of going from beginner to PVP ready goes through phases.

PRISMATIC PLEDGE Pledge to Aisling Duval Galactic Power to start the 4 week count till you can buy Prismatic Shields which are +1 size category stronger. Wait 4 weeks for this to pay off and get "meta". Anything
TRAVEL PREP Before going anywhere, make sure you have a fuel scoop, that you filter routes by KGBFOAM-class scoopable stars, and buy the best FSD you can. Grade A FSD, Fuel Scoop Anything
COURIER Take data transport missions that require no cargo space to earn credits, materials and superpower rank. Earn 2-10M credits, enough to buy a 1.8M Diamondback Explorer (DBX) and 5.5M Class 5 FSD Grade A Cobra, Diamondback Explorer
RANK GRINDYou might as well gain Fed or Imperial rank while you do courier and trade missions so you can eventually unlock their ships. Work to make progress towards Duke for Imperial Cutter and Rear Admiral for Federal Corvette. Don't try to do it all at once. Chip away at it while doing couriering, trade and massacres over time. Diamondback Explorer, Type 9, Cutter
JUMP SHIP Build a DBX Jump Ship and fly around farming materials and unlocking engineers while doing more courier missions to make money. Get Guardian FSD booster and Class 5 V1 FSD from human tech broker while unlocking engineers and farming mats. Earn 20M+ credits to buy a Type 7 or Type 9 and start trade missions. Diamondback Explorer
TRADE ELITEDo trade missions which ask you to source materials like Bertrandite, Platinum and Silver for 50M and haul the stuff from a nearby station with a good price based on Inara. Buy a Type 7 to save up for a Type 9. Unlock Elite Trade Rank and save up 200M+ for PVE combat ships to start bounty hunting with. Cobra, Type 7, Type 9
BOUNTY HUNTINGBuy a PVE combat ship like an Anaconda for active farming and eventually a Type 10 for AFK farming once you have enough laser engineering and materials. Save up till you have tons of money to start building PVP ships and eating rebuys as you learn the hard way! Anaconda, Corvette, Type 10 AFK
ENGINEER GRINDUnlock engineers, farm engineer materials, and engineer your combat ships to get them ready for PVE and PVP. Fully grade 5 engineer a PVP FerDeLance and any other combat ships you want to use according to the build guides. Dakkalance is a good hardpoint set to start. Metalance hardpoints for long-term skill building. Build both so you can swap. DBX
UNLOCK PRISMATICSYour 4 weeks with Aisling should be up by now. Get a Type 9 or Cutter and haul 750 tons of her prep materials to unlock Rating 3 on Wednesday night Powerplay Cycle. Buy 2-4 of each size of Prismatic Shield Generator. They'll help with PVP! Type 9, Cutter
POWERPLAY MODULE SHOPPING Pledge to one powerplay faction every 4 weeks to unlock their powerful weapon modules. Priorities: 1. Aisling Prismatic shields, 2. Li-Yong Rui Packhounds, 3. Lavigny Imperial Hammers, 4. Hudson Pacifiers, 5. Grom FSD Disruptors.Collect them all and buy 20-25 of each powerplay module before switching. Store them on cheap ships with the right slots like Federal Dropships or Imperial Clippers. Type 9, Cutter
PVP When your rebuy fund is ready and you have enough money and mats to A-rate and engineer a good PVP ship like an FDL, you're ready to graduate to the PVP GUIDE.GET GUD! Start by practicing in 1v1 practice fights with as many people as you can every day. Fight a mix of people at your own level or lower who you have a chance against and people better than you who can teach you with feedback afterwards. Follow the PVP Guide to get better! FDL


Respecting different play styles applies to discussing "optimally efficient" ways to do things.
  • Just because you learn how to do something "the fast way" doesn't mean you should mock anyone for doing it a way that is different.
  • A way that seems slower might have benefits you don't know and is probably fun as a different gameplay activity for its own sake.
  • Rather than doing things only one way and getting bored, you might also enjoy trying multiple methods that may not be the quickest in minutes but possibly fun in a way that adds to the game's variety.
  • Elite gives us many ways to do each thing so there's variety and choice and a sense of excitement when you discover a new way to do things that you enjoy more.

There are many ways to play Elite. The careers chart showcases some of the things there are to do out there in space to inspire your imagination and career planning. This guide focuses on mastering just the parts of PVE that progress you to being PVP ready so you can master PVP because it is one of the most infinitely challenging and interesting paths. Don't let that stop you from trying the many others!

Click to see the full-size version of the career chart.


Early grinding to unlock each tier of ship can be a long process and for a variety of valid reasons some players may opt to fast track a bit for a variety of reasons:

  • Getting through the many long grinds and preparing for PVP as quickly as possible.
  • Console players switching to PC repeating grinds they did before.
  • Setting up an alt account.
  • Spending quality time with your loved ones and life responsibilities.

If anyone tries to shame someone for receiving help or giving it because they ground through every ship in the game uphill both ways in the snow, you can refer them to this guide section about respecting different playstyles.
  • Tell them where they can stick their elitist story about grinding both ways uphill in the snow and their gatekeeping toxicity.
  • Just kidding. Instead, tell them that you support all play styles that people enjoy including theirs and encourage them to do the same for others.
  • Shaming people for how they enjoy their game is silly.

You can skip a lot of early credit grind and sub-optimal ships by:
  • getting a credit jumpstart from players who have carriers to commodity trade credits to you
  • or who have wing mission stacks they're willing to share the rewards from with you.
  • Getting the reputation from the missions so you can do good missions and make money there also.

Remember to try the things you might be skipping along the jumpstart route since you need to do a bit of everything to unlock engineers eventually.

Trade is always worth doing. If you got enough credits to build the DBX jump ship and the Type 10 AFK you could make the rest of your credits from there doing massacres, but you'll still want to do the trade missions to earn Elite Trade and unlock Shinrarta Dezhra which has all ships and modules at 10% off (see below for details).

If you really want some help getting ready for PVP, you could always go to Hutton Orbital and get a free Anaconda.

If you don't have anyone available to help you early on, you can follow this path.

Pledge for Prismatics

Before you do literally anything else in the game, stop first and pledge to Aisling Duval because it will take 4 weeks of being pledged before you can get Prismatic Shields.

The most powerful ship modules in the game are gated behind spending a month pledged to each powerplay faction. Even before you are seriously interested in fighting for any powerplay factions in particular, you should just switch to a new powerplay faction pledge every month to unlock a new module.
    [li]Open the Internal Panel (Right) to the Home tab and select Galactic Powers.
  1. Choose Aisling Duval.
  2. Click PLEDGE.
  3. Mark 4 weeks from now on your calendar reminders.
  4. Wait 4 weeks.
  5. Transfer 750 tons of preparation cargo from Cubeo to her top Preparation system target in exchange for Rating 3 rewards, which unlocks Prismatic Shields.

At that point, you need a big capacity cargo ship like a Type 9 or Cutter with 750 cargo space (or patience to do lots of smaller runs).
  1. Go to the powerplay leader's homeworld of Cubeo and go to Contacts.
  2. Purchase 75 loads of 10T each by tediously clicking Expedite over and over till you've gotten 750T of prep materials.
  3. Transport those to the top system in the powers' PREPARATION systems list. Make sure it has large pads. You'll earn 750 merits.
  4. Wait for the Wednesday/Thursday Powerplay Cycle tick / maintenance update to complete.
  5. Buy Prismatic Shield Generators from the Shield Generator category.
  6. Get 2-4 prismos from each size category. Buy ships that support each size up to size 8 (Type 9 and Cutter only). Prioritize ships you will actually want (See PVP Guide for suggestions.)

You can get them with a discount to save on the huge costs.
  • Elite rank pilots with Shinrarta Dezhra's Jameson Memorial will get them all at 10% discount.
  • Li Yong Rui has an even better 15% discount with no requirements to get it.

Buying a lifetime supply of Prismatics
Prismatics are the strongest shields in the game and you will want to buy lots of these for all sizes of ships when you get access to them before switching to another powerplay faction to get other exclusive modules. You should plan on spending 500M to 2B buying at least 2-5 of every size class of Prismatic Shields so that you have enough for all your builds after you start pledging to get other powerplay modules, which could take 3-6 months before you'll want to come back to getting more Prismos if you underestimated your needs.

After you finish buying Prismatics, pledge to the following:
  • Li Yong Rui for Packhound Missiles
  • Duval for Imperial Hammers
  • Zachary Hudson for Pacifiers
  • Yuri Grom for Grom FSD Reboot missiles
  • Archon Delaine for Cytoscramblers


You need to take some precautions to travel long distances safely, namely an A-Grade FSD & Fuel Scoop and filtering for scoopable star classes on the Galaxy Map.
  • Make sure you have enough jump distance to make a trip and enough fuel to get there intact.
  • Upgrade your Core Module Frame Shift Drive to grade A.
  • You should always bring a fuel scoop (4A is ideal).
  • Engineer your FSD for Extended Range or buy the V1 Class 5 from a human tech broker.
  • Unlock the Guardian FSD Booster and put a class 5 if you can fit it to add 10 LY to your jumps.
In Galaxy Map:
  • Filter your routes by fastest route.
  • Choose Map Mode and filter your routes by Star Class to fuel-scoopable stars of M and above (KGBFOAM letter type stars only.). Read the Fuel Rats guide for more info.

Once you get the hang of traveling long distances safely, you're ready to make lots of money doing it as a data courier.


When you start the game in the new pilot zone with a Sidewinder, your first challenge is to make enough credits for a jump ship and frame shift drive that can travel outside of the new pilot systems.

Start by doing courier data delivery missions till you can afford a Cobra or eventually a Diamondback Explorer with an A-rated frame shift drive.

Use whatever ship you have to just do data courier missions till you can afford a Diamondback Explorer (DBX) and make it a jump ship.
  • Do couriering missions in the same systems over and over so you gain rep with the factions and get higher paying missions.
  • The best ones to do this for early on are the Fed and Imperial rank grind spots as they concentrate lots of mission giving factions targeting the same target so you do multiple missions at once.
  • You don't need anything to do courier missions to make money at first since they don't use up any cargo.
  • Save up money by repeatedly transporting data from point A to point B.
  • Buy a Hauler and upgrade its FSD to B or A grade as soon as you can to get enough jump distance to get out of there to more lucrative areas.
  • FSD your way to Ngalinn/Mainani or Ceos/Sothis to do high reward Fed or Imperial courier missions.
  • You'll rank up your rep to unlock cool ships along the way to unlocking Fed Corvette and Imperial Cutter.
  • Make sure to start pledging to Aisling Duval to start unlocking Prismatic Shields since it takes a month (See below).


You can gain Federal Navy Rank or Imperial Navy Rank while you make money couriering or trading by grinding missions for factions pledged to the Superpowers.
  • Rank grinding for its own sake takes as long time and can be boring so try not to burn out doing it.
  • Better to do it when you need to do missions anyways in the couriering phase till you buy your first jump and trade ships and then do missions with your trade and combat ships that grind rank at the same time as money and materials and Elite trade rank.
  • You can gain rank in both Imperial and Federal Navy at the same time. They don't know you're double dipping or they look the other way.

There are some popular spots where you can stack many missions at a time to go back and fourth between 2 points.

IMPERIAL Mainani (Mies van der Rohe's Claim) <-> Ngalinn Courier Small or Medium Imperial Cutter, Courier, Clipper Duke Denton Patreus-controlled systems 10% discounted Eg. Coma (Malenchenko City)
FEDERAL Ceos <-> Sothis Courier Small or Medium Federal Corvette, Federal Gunship, Federal Assault Ship, Federal Dropship Rear Admiral Li Yong Rui-controlled systems 15% off everything
FEDERAL Canopus (Rangarajan's Base) <-> Exphiay (Worlidge Hub, James K Winston) Cargo/Courier Large Federal Corvette, Federal Gunship, Federal Assault Ship, Federal Dropship Rear Admiral Li Yong Rui-controlled systems 15% off everything

How to do Navy Rank Grind Missions
This Reddit guide explains how to do the different rank grind missions in the most popular spots including Canopus in great detail.

Courier Navy Rank Grind
The easiest safest way to rank grind because you don't need any ship modules. Usually any medium or small ship will work as many courier routes don't have large pads.

Trade Superpower Rank Grind
Trade superpower rank grind is the medium hard high payout method because it requires a large cargo ship to do efficiently and some ship defenses and skill evading interdictions. (See the PVP Guide's Evasion section for tips.) The payoff is the huge amount of Rep+++++ missions you can do this way in addition to doing courier missions at the same time once your cargo space is full. The Cutter is an ideal ship for this if you do the Imperial grind first.

Massacre Rank Grind
In addition, once you have a good combat ship you can rank grind by doing combat massacre bounty hunting (see PVE Combat section). Some of the systems for doing that have massacre mission sources that give superpower rank at the same time.

Getting Easy Promotion Missions
When your rank reaches 100%, you're due for a promotion.
  • Go to a system controlled by the superpower and get a mission with the words "Federal Navy" or "Imperial Navy" in the title and complete it.
  • If you don't like the type of mission with the word "Navy" in it, you can "board flip" those just by closing Mission Computer and reopening it to avoid annoying pirate hunt missions till you get a simple navy courier job.
  • You may still have 100% rank after a promotion if you have saved up multiple promotions in a row. It may take a while for another promotion mission to show up, but you're not wasting rank points just because you're at 100%.

Once you get the hang of traveling and saving up money by couriering, you're ready to save up for a really great jump ship that will be your primary farming ship to earn all your other ships: The Diamondback Explorer. There's a section about building that later in this guide.


Once you have a good 2-7 M credits from couriering, you're ready to build a jump ship and start farming engineering materials. Buying a Diamondback Explorer is a first step to making the rest of your travel, upgrading and farming go faster.

The best small jump ship every pilot should build first is the Diamondback Explorer with a DBX Disposable Jump Ship build. It outjumps all small ships and the Asp Explorer (ASPX isn't even in the same Small class as ASPX is medium and outclassed by the Medium Phantom Jump Ship in every way except price).

Get DBX to be able to farm mats to improve the DBX V1 FSD and FSD Booster.
  • Un-engineered, DBX will get about 40 LY.
  • FSD Booster will get DBX to about 50 LY.
  • Doing some Felicity FSD engineering could get DBX up around 60 or 70 LY.
  • Completing the V1 double engineered tech broker purchased FSD will get DBX up in the high 70s depending on how much light weight engineering you do with it to a maximum of 77ish with minimal shields or 82ish shieldless depending on how light you go.

See the DBX Build Guide in the PVE Ship Build list for full instructions on how to get the DBX and max out its jump range with a Guardian FSD Booster and Double Engineered V1 FSD.

Use jump range to farm engineering materials via Crystal Shards, Jameson Crash Site and High Grade Emissions efficiently.

Engineering Material Farming

You'll want to gather various materials for ship module unlocking and engineering.

Hawkes' guide to farming every material in Elite is thorough and excellent.

The things you use the DBX to farm are also the spots you need to visit to get mats to upgrade it to its full jump potential.

  • ENCODED: Go to Jameson Crash Site in HIP 12099 1 B: -54.3 x -50.3 for data(use SRV, scan comms modules, log to menu, reopen, repeat).
  • MANUFACTURED: Collect High Grade Emissions for manufactured (scan navbeacon, find HGE, use collectors, quit to desktop, reopen, wake out 0 throttle, turn around wake into unidentified signal, repeat ),
  • RAW: Collect raw mats from Crystal shards HIP 36601, take DBX or best jump ship, use SRV on biological sites on planets)
  • GUARDIAN MODULES: Collect guardian materials starting with guardian modules in Synuefe NL-N C23-4 (use SRV with point defense on top, 4 pip shields when shot and guns when shooting, use cover to 1v1 sentinels, repeatedly farm guardian structure's bottom right double tech component pillar and the triple obelisk data spot on site 2 on same planet).
  • RARE COMMODITIES: You can buy some needed crafting or engineering unlock ingredients like HN Shock Mounts by searching Inara for stations that export them.


Raw materials are the easiest to farm because there are places with almost all the grade 4 raws to max out in one go. There are 3 main ways for raw material farming: Surface prospecting, crashed Anacondas and Crystal Shards.


You can find materials on planetary surfaces with high amounts of certain minerals using just an SRV if you're willing to jet boost around looking for each mineral.


A faster way of getting raws is to go with an SRV to one of the crashed Anaconda sites:
  • Koli Discii Crash Site, Koli Discii C 6 A: 28.5 x 7.2
  • Orrere Crash Site, Orrere 2 B: 43.8 x -173.9

Crash Site Minerals:
  • Antimony
  • Ruthenium
  • Tellurium
  • Tungsten
  • Zirconium

Exigeious' video shows how to do both of these methods:

But there is a faster way than either of these once you're ready to go far out to get it: The Crystal Shards.


The best location for raw materials is crystal shards where you collect raw mats from crystals shot with an SRV. Here's the list of locations and the corresponding raw material found there.

  • Hip 36601 C1A Biological site 5 Polonium
  • Hip 36601 C1D Biological site 3 Ruthenium
  • Hip 36601 C3B Biological site 5 Tellurium
  • Hip 36601 C5A Biological site 4 Technetium
  • Outotz LS-K D8-3 B5A Biological Site 15 Yttrium
  • Outotz LS-K D8-3 B5C Biological Site 3 Antimony


Encoded data is the second easiest to farm because one spot gives you lots of a couple types which you can trade for the others.
  1. To get encoded data, you go to Jameson Crash Site.
  2. Scan the modules, log out and repeat till you fill up.
  3. Then you go to an encoded material trader and trade the mats for other types till you have room to go back and get more.

A video guide on how to harvest encoded data at Jameson Crash Site:


Manufactured is the hardest to farm because each grade 5 type requires a different source.

There are 4 main sources of Manufactured:
  • DAV'S HOPE: Lower grade but easy to do laps collecting in an SRV.
  • MISSION STACKING: Top-grade Biotech Conductors, Modified Embedded Firmware, Exquisite Focus Crystals available doing courier, trade or massacres.
  • SHIP SALVAGING: Blowing up ships during massacres or at a high respawn Anarchy Nav Beacon or station like Slough Orbital at Vesper-M4 and collector limpeting them up.
  • HIGH GRADE EMISSIONS: You go to particular system types and states, scan their navbeacon, go to the nearest HGE, collector limpet 5 mats, quit to desktop, relaunch, low wake out, zero throttle, turn around, navigate lock the emission again, re-enter it, collect, quit to desktop, repeat till the mission runs out (25ish minutes), go to another system and scan another nav beacon for more...


Dav's Hope is a fun place to explore, learn some lore from scanning the datalinks about what happened there, and to farm some easy early manufactured materials.

  1. Fly your Diamondback Explorer jump ship with a surface scanner and SRV to Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 A 5 at 44.8180, -31.3893.
  2. Use the Navigation panel or the System Map to select planet 5 around the 1st star (A 5).
  3. Scan the surface.
  4. Land on Dav's Hope.
  5. Launch an SRV.
  6. Drive around the ring of buildings collecting materials with your cargo scoop.
  7. Target ahead to lock onto the material in front of you.
  8. Open your cargo scoop.
  9. Drive over it to pick it up.
  10. Look in Internal Panel > Inventory to see how much you have colleceted.


When you do stacks of courier, trade and massacre missions (see above in the guide), you have a reward choice that allows you to amass Biotech Conductors, Exquisite Focus Crystals and Modified Embedded Firmware. This adds up fast and a 20 stack of missions will halfway fill your mat maximums for those 3 such that you need to preemptively go to all 3 material traders every 2 stacks to avoid overflow.


Blowing up ships during massacres or at a high respawn Anarchy Nav Beacon or station like Slough Orbital at Vesper-M4 and collector limpeting them up.
  • Stock your PVE combat ship with Collector Limpet Controllers and cargo racks like for mining but no prospectors or refinery required.
  • Anaconda Dakkaconda is easy to refit for salvaging optionals.

Beluga farming at Slough Orbital in Vesper-M4
Go to "Slough Orbital" in the Vesper-M4 system. It's a tourist spot in an anarchy system at an anarchy starport.
  1. It spawns a lot of belugas and orcas, which just have to "slaughter".
  2. Go there in open, or bring friends: The more people are in an instance, the more tourist ships are spawned.
  3. It spawns mostly G4 and some G5 manufactured mats;
  4. since there's a manufactured material trader in a neighboring system, you can quickly trade up/down once you've filled up the slots with the stuff you collect.


You go to particular system types and states for particular types of grade 5 materials. For example:

Imperial Shielding 100% chance in Empire "None" or Empire "Election" state systems. Lower chance in systems with "Boom","War","Civ War" and "Outbreak" but other rare materials reduce the chance of drop.
Proto Radiolic Alloys 33% chance h "Boom" state in Independent or Alliance systems.
Pharmeceutical Isolators 100% chance in "Outbreak" state in Independent, Alliance or Anarchy systems.
Military Grade Alloys 50% chance in "War" or "Civ War" state in Independent or Alliance systems or Anarchy.
Military Supercapacitors 50% chance in "War" or "Civ War" state in Independent or Alliance systems or Anarchy.
Improvised Components 100% chance in "Civ Unrest" state in Independent or Alliance systems.
Proto Heat Radiators 33% chance h "Boom" state in Independent or Alliance systems.
Core Dynamics Composites 100% chance in Federal "Election" state systems. Also drops in "Boom","War","Civ War" and "Outbreak" but other rare materials reduce the chance of drop.
Biotech Conductors Found only in mission rewards like courier, trade and massacre (as are Exquisite Focus Crystals and Modified Embedded Firmware).

There is a detailed scavenger list spreadsheet by Dognosh explaining all the details about each material type and where to find it that we sorted by grade 5s to show just the most useful to farm and trade down from:

Once you go to a system that might have what you want, carefully follow this procedure to repeatedly farm it:

  1. Scan the nav beacon.
  2. Go to the nearest HGE.
  3. Collector limpet 5 mats, quit to desktop.
  4. Relaunch
  5. low wake out
  6. zero throttle
  7. turn around
  8. navigate
  9. lock the emission again
  10. re-enter it
  11. collect
  12. quit to desktop
  13. repeat till the mission runs out (25ish minutes)
  14. go to another system
  15. scan another nav beacon for more...

A video helps to understand how to harvest manufactured high grade emissions:


There are a few steps and tools to use for building and engineering ships efficiently.

Your Inara profile syncs with your actual commander data. It can also export your actual ship's state to EDENGINEER to allow you to compare your current ship to a possibly modified build you change up in Coriolis.

EDEngineer is a tool that helps you make shopping lists and track your needed materials for the engineering you want to do. See the Engineering guide in the next section.
  • You can load shopping lists from Coriolis or EDSY builds to get a complete list of mats needed for a whole build.
  • You can also save and load shopping lists to view one ship list at a time or combine them temporarily to have one master list.

This video shows how the EDENGINEER app works. Read the ENGINEERING guide next to understand more.

Using the Coriolis build lists you can export the lists to EDEngineer to help you track down the necessary engineering materials.

EDSY is like Coriolis, a ship building tool. It has a slightly better stored ship list to compare your different builds.

  • Since you can import and export to and from EDSY, Coriolis and your Inara Hanger, you can import your builds into EDSY to have them all lined up to compare stats.
  • You can pull them back into Coriolis by clicking OPS on the top bar and EXPORT and copying the SLEF text into the Import button under Settings in Coriolis.


Engineering massively upgrades the power of ships but it takes a lot of material gathering and engineer access tasks to unlock its full potential.

Engineering is a big subject but the first two kinds of engineering to focus on are FSDs with Felicity Farseer and Multicannon/Rail Gun/Frag Cannon engineering with Todd the Blaster. Both will not take long to unlock and will change the way you play immediately.

Felicity Farseer FSD Engineering
Felicity is the most basic. You get invited to her early game and you can unlock her by just delivering her a ton of meta-alloy which you can buy from Maia or a carrier in her system for a million or so credits. Then level her grade up by turning in lots of exploration data or engineering FSDs with her. Exigious has a great video about Felicity Farseer how to do your first engineering with Felicity in just a few hours:

Todd The Blaster Multicannon/Railgun/Frag Cannon Engineering
All you need to do to get started with Todd is kill a couple pirate bounties to get Todd's invite and then deliver him 100K in bounties to unlock. You can continue to turn in bounties with him to level up his reputation grade instead of spending engineering mats to do it.
The payoff is immense: Now you can do dakka/rail gun/frag builds with engineered weapons that deal dramatically higher DPS than before and use little power plant/distributor energy which helps since you don't have those engineered yet. At most you'll use a Guardian Power Plant early on as a temprary grade 3-equivalent power plant upgrade till you unlock proper grade 5 power plants.


Follow the Fox's Step-By-Step Engineering Guide hosted by Down 2 Earth Astronomy.
It worked for us and it is good to read the whole thing before you start so you know to start buying and selling at 50 markets beforehand amongst other things.

To maximize your shield cell bank grade to 4 you'll need to plan a pilgrimage of sorts to Colonia to unlock Mel Brandon and pin fast charge shield cell banks there.
You can actually do this earlier to save time on all your engineering with the 4 Colonia engineers because they cover ALL of the grade 5 engineering types in one spot with just 4 engineers that take a couple hours to do. It is amazingly easy to take any ships you want to engineer to and from Colonia for free without jumping there yourself. All you have to do is hitch a ride on the many carriers flying back and fourth.

  1. Go to the Elite Dangerous Community Discord #carrier-departures channel and the Fleet Owners Club Discord #colonia-to-bubble channel.
  2. Look for a departure coming soon and get all your ships on the carrier and engineering materials and Osmium ready if you haven't unlocked the engineers yet.

Here's a video guide explaining all the steps involved.

  1. All you need to do is plan your builds in advance with Coriolis/EDSY/EDEngineer and pre-gather all the materials you need to do it when you get there.
  2. Then follow the guide on how to do the engineers in Colonia efficiently.
  3. You can get there with all the ships you want to engineer by parking them on a passenger carrier announced in EDC Discord #carrier-departures and on Fleet Carrier Owners' Club Discord.
  4. Hitch a 1.5 day ride, do your engineering there, and hitch a ride back on the next carrier home.

Mass Engineering Ships Efficiently

Once you start engineering more than one ship at a time, the tedium of flying to and from planetary surfaces multiple times becomes many times worse.
  • Bring all your ships to the engineer together on your carrier.
  • To engineer multiple ships worth of modules, remove them from the ships and go to the planetary trader with a ship that can mount them all. There may be limits to this as larger ships can't run smaller shields below a certain size.
  • When you arrive at the trader, transfer all the modules and wait about 5 minutes for the transfer.
  • Engineer the modules as you swap them into the ship you brought one by one till you're done.
  • Fly back to your carrier and carefully transfer back all the modules from the trader before putting them back on their ships of origin.


Start making money with trade mission stacking.
  • Trade is the easiest way to grind for some money early with little risk and no engineering.
  • Trade also will help you unlock Elite Trade Rank faster than any other kind of Elite rank.

All you need to do for these missions is take a mission that asks for a delivery of a mineral like Bertrandite.
  1. Pick a station that has it for sale nearby.
  2. Just fly to the station that sells it and fly back and provide the mission that way, no mining required.
  3. Do as many trips as necessary to complete the missions.
  4. Prioritize Reputation rewards initially until your rep reaches ALLIED with the factions.
  5. You will now start to receive missions paying as much as 50 million credits each.

Malerba & Swanson DockWally BeiFleet carriers in the system or Inara search nearby export sourcesFederalAll
<NOT WORKING CURRENTLY> Vetulani DockMahlanjaHIP 45957 (Silver, Gold and Tritium), Djeriman (Bertrandite, Indite, Gallite)NoneAll

A good place to go to start doing this is Wally Bei system.
  1. Take missions from Wally Bei's Malerba & Swanson Dock terraforming stations.
  2. Buy the materials from carriers in the system.
  3. Fly back and provide the mission goods.
  4. Don't mark the missions as complete yet till you have a wing of friends to share it with.
  5. Invite them to your Wing (Horizons) or Team (Odyssey) and share each mission and let them accept before completing it so all get the rewards.
  6. Increase reputation with the station factions till you get 50M credit missions.

Remember you can't carry wing missions over between Odyssey and Horizons, so whomever you share with has to be in the same version of the game as you were when you took the missions to take part.
  1. Once you earn 50M: Build Type 7 cargo ship (D rate everything but FSD A rate), do trade missions to save up some money for Type 9
  2. Once you earn 250M: Build Type 9, do trade missions to save up some money for Anaconda and Type 10 bounty hunting ships

Once you have enough money to build an Anaconda Dakkaconda or a Type 10 AFK with full A and D rated modules, you can begin doing bounty hunting.
  1. Build Anaconda for active PVE massacre farming. (It can work low or high res initially without much engineering)
  2. Build Type 10 for passive PVE massacre farming. (It requires a certain amount of engineering to survive AFK)
  3. Acquire enough engineering materials to engineer Anaconda Dakkaconda PVE build and Type 10 AFK build to consistently produce money actively and overnight.

Keep doing trading missions as often as you can even if you get wing massacre bounty missions working and enjoy those more.
  • Trade missions will eventually unlock your Elite Trade Rank and Shinra (see above) to make building your combat ships efficient so it does benefit combat after all.
  • Once you have at least 1 Elite rank, you unlock Shinrarta Dezhra system and Jameson Memorial station with a 10% discount on EVERY SHIP AND MODULE IN THE GAME. This will massively simplify and discount your ship building process so you won't have to hunt around for each module in a build.


You can make money and unlock Todd The Blaster weapon engineering [see below] by setting up a PVE bounty hunting combat ship and blasting pirates at resource zones.

Combat is the most in-depth part of Elite Dangerous and there's a lot of concepts to master to understand it fully. It can generally be broken down to PVE (bounty hunting and conflict zones) and PVP (player versus player combat). PVE is pretty easy to do without much engineering especially once you construct a high DPS bounty hunting ship such as a Dakaconda build (see below). PVP is much more challenging and will require you to maximize your engineering and practice your combat skills to get good enough to beat other players.

  • Make sure to confirm that they are WANTED or MISSION TARGET before shooting at them or the authorities will shoot you.
  • You can use the authorities' help to get bounty credit as long as you get at least 1 good hit on the target.

Wing Mission Massacre Stacking

The most lucrative kind of PVE combat is called Wing Mission Massacre Stacking. There are several locations where it is most efficient:

Bibaridji Jet MafiaBibaridji
  • Simmons landing(HIP 3551)
  • Henize's Progress (Pegasi Sector PH-V b2-0)
  • Bushnell Holdings (Pegasi Sector JW-W c1-23)
  • Bushkov Survey (Pegasi Sector IG-X b1-1)
FederalPlanetary all largeWalheim Enterprise(Kamchadal)
  • MANUFACTURED:Maire City(Sanopijcha)
  • ENCODED: Parazynski Port (HIP 1427)
  • RAW: Stewart Orbital (HIP 7564)
Albardhas PiratesAlbardhasHIP 104504, Choerini, Hang Guang, CubereraFederalHIP 104504 (Baullaud Ring)
Qi Yomisii Council PiratesQi YomisiiPardian, Angawal, NjulnganFederalNjulngan (Tesla Terminal)
Ehlanda Blue Rose Pirates EhlandaLAMBDA-1 TUCANEAImperial
Brotherhood of Mainani PiratesNgalinnMainaniImperial

  1. Go to the target system first and bookmark it. This is where you'll be killing pirates for bounties in the resource zones.
  2. You get wing kill/put down/massacre missions targeting the targeted type of pirates from the surrounding source systems' stations.i
  3. You go there and take kill/put down/massacre missions to kill the targeted pirate group only
  4. Then when you have 17-20 of those missions (wing missions) you go to the target system and enter low resource, high resource or hazardous resource ("hazrez") points and kill pirates as fast as possible to complete all the missions.
  5. You will complete 4-5 missions at a time for each kill being counted on each of those if you chose missions from enough different factions and stations.
  6. Bring some cargo to make enemy ships scan you faster but only if you can survive the attention.
  7. Use a ship-launched fighter if you can and set it to engage at will and tell it to attack specific targets to speed things up.
  8. Stay as close as possible to the center of the zone and go after any laser fire you see in the distance.
Once you finish a stack of missions, the tricky part begins: completing them so everyone shares rewards.
  1. Don't complete the missions at the station till you have a full wing of friends to share the rewards with.
  2. Ask your wing mates to pay close attention and focus while you complete the missions.
  3. Share each mission from your list that matches the station you are at.
  4. Announce the mission and wait for confirmation from all 3 wing mates verbally in Odyssey or checking the mission status in Horizons.
  5. When all have accepted, complete the mission prioritizing Rep till you get allied with that faction giver, then G5 materials (biotech, exquisite crystals and modified firmware), then credits if full or no mats are available.
  6. You get money and Federal rank and materials.
  7. Your wing mates need to go to the stations to collect their rewards within 30 days.
Some tips for massacre efficiency:
  • Wing missions last 7 days so you can do a bit of the mission stack at a time.
  • For greatest efficiency, use a large high-DPS bounty hunting build such as a Dakaconda (see Ship Builds).
  • To get stacks done while you're busy socializing/eating/watching movies/reading/sleeping, build the Type 10 AFK Build.


You don't have to wait till you reach max engineering and endgame ships to start getting some practice in PVP.
  • Once you are doing basic combat bounty hunting PVE work, you can try using those builds in casual PVP 1v1s as long as you're ready to lose a lot and learn in the process.
  • You can start practicing PVP along the way by training in 1v1s and wing fights with people at a similar level to you or who are willing to fight you in un-engineered or handicapped ships close to your ship power level.

PVE Thargoid Hunting

Another form of PVE combat besides bounty hunting is anti-xeno Thargoid hunting.

  • Thargoid Hunting pays a lot of credits and earns combat rank while defending humanity from Thargoid invaders.
  • The meta Anti-Xeno ship build included in this guide is the Shieldless Anti-Xeno Chieftain which relies on cold orbiting with gauss cannons.
  • To learn more about Thargoid hunting, visit the Anti-Xeno Initiative


Trade mission stacking involves doing "mining" missions by buying materials and supplying them for the missions, but actual mining by shooting things at rocks is required to unlock some engineers and it can be fun and profitable. It's just not covered in this guide as its not essential to PVP prep and the D2A Mining Guide has you covered. The PVE Ship Builds list does include a Laser Mining Anaconda.


PVE ship builds are used for farming materials by jumping around quickly with an SRV and collectors, blowing up bounty hunted pirates, or anti-xeno Thargoid hunting. To do PVE missions, you'll want to build a good PVE ship or two. The PVE BUILDS guide has essential builds to get you going.


Once you are making a lot of money, materials and rep by material farming and mission stacking, you will have resources to start building your PVP ship fleet and learning the ways of PVP in PVP GUIDE.

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