Logbook entry


30 Jun 2021IXXX


The Odyssey expansion adds a whole new ground combat world.

UPDATE: JULY 19: Added TLDR. JULY 18: Added foot progression phases, weapon/suit info, trading.


This guide covers in detail how to enjoy Odyssey on foot to the fullest in the following ways:
  1. Buy all your grade 1 equipment and grade 3 on Thursdays when it respawns.
  2. Use Odyssey Material Helper to plan out what upgrades you want and know what to prioritize keeping vs trading/selling/dropping.
  3. Farm material gathering methods that maximize chances of finding your wishlist.
  4. Team up with other CMDRs on Discord to do missions and raids together for survival and fun team teamwork!
  5. Unlock engineers and engineering gradually and do what you enjoy so you don't burn out.
  6. Remember you can trade materials by dropping them and your elusive thing is someone else's been there done that.


Buy Equipment Buy a Maverick and Dominator suit. Buy an Aphelion, PL-6 and PL-15 to start. Set up loadout for combat with Dominator with those 3 weapons. Set up loadout for looting with Maverick and Aphelion/PL-15. Eventually get every weapon and suit till you find Grade 3s.
Settlement missions Do Settlement missions starting with power-on/reactivate missions with low threat ratings to get used to doing missions. Sort all missions by material rewards and take missions that give your highest priority material types. Accumulate high-priority materials and plan your future needs using Odyssey Material Helper or EDEngineer.
Grade 3 Hunting Search stations for grade 3 weapons and suits after every Wednesday night maintenance update. Get a grade 3 version of every suit and weapon to upgrade from there.
Combat Practice Get comfortable with ground combat by practicing Frontline Solutions ground conflict zones. Practice till you can beat a High Intensity Ground Conflict Zone
Settlement looting Raid high loot settlements to accumulate materials for equipment upgrades and engineering. Trade and sell the less needed items when you overflow. Accumulate high-priority materials and plan your future needs using Odyssey Material Helper or EDEngineer.
Grade 5 Upgrading Upgrade your favorite suits and weapons from grade 3 to grade 5 Grade 5 Maverick, Dominator, Aphelion, PL-15, PL-6, Intimidator, Executioner
Engineer Unlocking Plan the modules for suits and weapons you want to upgrade and unlock the engineers to do them. See Recommended Engineering for suggested engineered loadouts.
Covert missions Build an engineered stealth loadout with Quiet Footsteps on suit and Supressor and Masking on weapons to master covert missions and unlock an engineer with them. Do 10 covert ops.
Foot Conflict Zones Fight in conflict zones to grind your Mercenary rank to Elite or to generate reward money or Influence to help a faction win a BGS war. Grind Mercenary rank to Elite eventually, unlock cool suit skins.
Foot PVP Challenge people to PVP practices, duels and team fights. Seek out organic fights at popular Youtuber-promoted loot settlements like Arai's Mine in Iah Bulu and conflict zones at community goals. Get comfortable beating players at long and short range. Train your friends. Start or join organized foot PVP events.


Odyssey revolves around doing combat missions on planetary settlements to acquire materials that you use to upgrade your personal equipment suits and guns to help you do missions better.

  • You buy suits and weapons at Frontier Outfitters.
  • You pay to upgrade their levels there as well using materials.


  • FLIGHT: You start with it but it does nothing useful on foot.
  • MAVERICK: It has a cutting tool for breaking into things and the highest inventory capacity for looting. You need one of these to open locked loot containers and break into things.
  • DOMINATOR: It has a second primary weapon slot, the best shields and damage resistance, and very little inventory space for loot. You want one of these to handle conflict zones and combat raids.
  • ARTEMIS: It has a biological sampling tool for exploring xenobiology on planets. You can safely ignore this one until you get around to wanting to do exploration.


See Foot Combat guide.
Prioritize buying Aphelion laser rifle, PL-15 kinetic pistol, and PL-6 rocket launcher.

TK AphelionLaser RifleHitscan long range autofire shield removal that can also wear down armor well when upgraded though less ammo efficiently.
TK EclipseLaser SMGHitscan medium range high fire rate shield removal that can also wear down armor well when upgraded though less ammo efficiently.
TK ZenithLaser PistolHitscan short range 3 shot burst shield removal that can also wear down armor well when upgraded though less ammo efficiently.
Karma AR-50Kinetic RifleAutomatic rifle sprays armor penetrating ammo.
Karma C-44Kinetic SMGHigh fire rate automatic fire sprays armor penetrating ammo.
Karma P-15Kinetic PistolTack-driver accurate semi-auto pistol fires armor penetrating ammo with extra deadly headshots. Perfect compliment to laser rifle.
Karma L-6Explosive RPG2 shot rocket launcher can blast shields or armor instantly, but not both at once. Devastates squads and indirect fire around cover.
Manticore IntimidatorPlasma ShotgunBrutal shotgun blasts can devastate shields and armor simultaneously at close range but ineffectively scatters at range.
Manticore TormentorPlasma PistolPowerful 2-shot pistol can drop non-moving targets in minimal hits from close range.
Manticore OppressorPlasma RiflePlasma assault rifle, cuts shields and armor, time of flight makes it harder to hit moving targets.
Manticore ExecutionerPlasma Marksman RifleSuper powerful long range plasma rifle usually takes out shields or armor in 1 hit each. Sidestep to dodge.

Recommended Loadouts

The two most important loadouts to have are the Maverick looting loadout and the Dominator combat loadout.
  • MAVERICK: TK Aphelion Laser Rifle, Karma PL-15 Kinetic Pistol. Laser and kinetic damage shreds shields and armor respectively with hitscan accuracy while you back up and sidestep to cover to keep range between you and any deadly shotguns or marksmen.
  • DOMINATOR: TK Aphelion Laser Rifle, Karma PL-6 Rocket Launcher, Karma PL-15 Kinetic Pistol. Same capabilities as the Maverick but with added rockets to take out whole squads when things get serious.

Grade 3 Suit/Weapon Hunting

You can find pre-built grade 3 suits and weapons, sometimes pre-installed with 1 or 2 engineered modules, scattered around stations for sale around $12-15M each.
  • The best time to look for these is when they usually restock every Thursday after the Powerplay Cycle and Maintenance Update.
  • Each pre-engineered suit or gun is one time purchase only. If you find things you don't need because you have them.
  • There's a Caring Is Sharing forum thread where people post gear locations they don't need.
  • Join the forums and reply to mark things you get as taken.
  • Share stuff you don't need with your friends or on the forum thread too.


On foot materials allow you to upgrade suit/weapon grades at the store and to unlock engineers and pay for their modules to install in suits/weapons.

It will take some time and patience to acquire the many obscure material types on foot. There are a few main methods of farming materials:
  • MISSION MATERIAL REWARDS: In a station's disembarked on foot mission computer, filter all missions by material rewards and look for reward materials you need.
  • BARTENDER TRADING: You can get a number of staple material types via trading for them. (See Trading below).
  • BASE LOOTING: You can get lots of materials loose and in containers in settlements. You can loot bases while you complete missions there or go to settlements just to loot them without any mission. D2A has a list of where each material type is found and list where data is found in particular settlement type lockers.
  • SITE SCAVENGING: There are a number of sites on planets that can be scavenged for certain material types. These are explained in Hawkes' "farm everything" video.
  • PLAYER TO PLAYER TRADING: You can trade Odyssey materials with other players (See below).


Knowing what is valuable and what is not takes time and there are lists to help.
  • Prioritize the following items for Maverick/Dominator suits and laser/kinetic weapons: Suit schematics, weapon schematics, manufacturing instructions, tungsten carbide, carbon fiber, graphene, titanium plate.

Manufacturing Instructions Equipment upgrades Dataports, Impact Sites
Weapon Schematics Weapon upgrades Larceny Missions (Irregular Markers), Power & command lockers, lockers
Suit Schematics Suit upgrades Missions, command lockers, lockers
Weapon Components Kinetic Weapons upgrades, engineering Bartender tech trades, lockers
Tungsten Carbide Kinetic Weapons upgrades, engineering Bartender tech trades, lockers.
Ionized Gas Plasma Weapons upgrades Missions, Industrial Lockers
Chemical Superbase Plasma Weapons upgrades Bartender trades, Missions, Lockers
Carbon Fiber Plating Maverick upgrades Bartender trades, Missions, Lockers
Titanium Plating Dominator upgrades Bartender trades, Missions, Lockers
Graphene Plasma Weapons upgrades Bartender trades, Missions, Lockers
Aerogel Artemis suit upgrades Bartender trades, Missions, Lockers

Ionized Gas

Ionized gas is available 1 or 2 at a time from missions but you can find lockers full of it at large industrial sites like Chnouk 4 E Altadonna Industrial Foundry (note: particular stations may enter a state like being deactivated for a period of time.):

Hawkes' Odyssey Material Farming Guides

Hawkes has made some of the best videos about how to farm materials in Odyssey.

Hawkes Gaming does a great job of explaining how to farm all the materials you'll need to upgrade your suits and guns.

Hawkes has a video about farming one particular site called Arai's Mine in the Iah Bulu system to get lots of data. He explains how to harvest Opinion Polls and other rare data on a mining settlement. You'll need 20 Opinion Polls for one of the engineer unlocks in Odyssey.


Player to player trading requires trust and an element of risk.
  • You can open your backpack at any time and drop things from it that other players pick up. This allows you to trade things with others based on what you each need most.
  • There's no guarantee that they'll hand over their promised end of the bargain after you drop yours.
  • There's no safety guarantee that they won't try to kill you or that a third party can't intrude and kill both of you, losing both your backpacks worth of materials.
  • Pick trading partners and trading locations that you think are safe and not likely to result in double crossing.

"THAT WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL!" A trade goes south and devolves into a Deciat Standoff, photo by Dubmeister


The new Odyssey Material Helper is a bit more focused and helpful than EDEngineer for foot mats.
  • It includes color coding for which things are used for what.
  • It has tooltip info on where things can be farmed.
  • This helps you to help sell stuff you don't need and wishlist what you want a bit more efficiently.
  • Anything labeled "unused items" in darkest brown can be sold, but they may have uses in future content, especially Vehicle Schematics and Building Schematics, so you might want to hold onto those in case we get SRV upgrades and base building as game data-based leaks have suggested is coming soon.

D2A has an outstanding video showing how to use it:


  • Overflowing your maximums of 1000 in each category becomes a problem fast.
  • You need to trade at the bartender and unload plentiful items you don't need as much as you find them:
  • TECH: Trade memory chips, encrypted memory chips and optical lenses for tungsten carbide, weapon components and carbon fiber.
  • ASSETS: Trade for Graphene for Maverick and Aerogel for Artemis suits.
  • CHEMS: ?
  • There's a spreadsheet list of which items to keep and trade that you should check before trading off or selling items you don't need.


Each material type has different optimal sources.


Foot combat in Elite is like ship combat with space legs: Thermal laser weapons beat shields, kinetic weapons beat armor, plasma weapons are adequate against both.

Just like ships, suit wearing people have usually got both shields and armor equivalent to hull that you need to shoot through to take them down.

  • Laser weapons are best used to take shields down first.
  • Kinetic weapons are best used to punch through armor after shields go down.
  • Rockets are best used against groups of enemies and vehicles. They take out a shield if they do enough damage but you still need a second shot to take down armor after.
  • Plasma has time-of-flight slowness to it, making it hard to hit moving targets. The plasma shotgun is good for PVP up close, but the others should be used PVE only.


PVE foot combat is mostly about staying alive because if you die you fail the mission.
  1. The safest tactic when clearing PVE settlements is to rely on long-range weapons like the Aphelion laser rifle or the Executioner plasma sniper rifle to take out shields from a distance to give you as much room to take cover and avoid getting surrounded or hit.
  2. Once shields are down, shoot a kinetic weapon like the PL-15 kinetic pistol or AR-50 kinetic rifle to finish them off.
  3. Use rockets if you run into groups or vehicles.

Make sure to fight defensively and stay alive so you don't fail the missions:
  • Watch out for plasma sniper shots whizzing past your head and always be sidestepping to ensure they never catch you.
  • Retreat any time your shields get low or down so that you take as little armor damage as possible.
  • Make sure you have medkits and bind it so you can instantly heal when you do take armor health damage.
  • Restock meds and energy cells as often as possible.


PVP requires a more aggressive approach and loadout.

  1. Aphelion Laser Rifle/Intimidator Plasma Shotgun/Kinetic Pistol works well.
  2. Laser snipe shielded foes from as far away as possible.
  3. Kinetic pistol or AR50 shieldless foes from medium range and try to land headshots.
  4. Shotgun blast away from close range.
  5. Grenades and RPGs can force enemies to jump, making them predictable targets for hit scan weapons till they land.

Players are better at evading and surviving than NPCs.
  • Use cover to your advantage and try to deny them cover.
  • Strive to have cover you can move towards while shooting and to expose your enemy far from cover when you start ambushes.
  • High ground is an advantage as it gives you ledge-peeking cover and it forces them to jump if they want to reach you, exposing them to predictable paths for hit scan fire.
  • Aim where they are going to be and pre-fire corners where you know they're coming around to cut them down before they can react.
  • Try to take concealment in dark interiors with a view of the brightly lit door when they enter looking for you.


Odyssey settlements are the site for numerous on-foot missions and you can raid for loot.

Overcoming Settlement Defenses

  • The main settlement defense is the alarm system which causes all the defenders to converge on intruders.
  • Active alarms eventually summon 1-3 squads of Omnipol police commandos.
  • Settlement defenses include anti-infantry and anti-ship turrets.
  • The controls for turrets tend to be top floors of command centers or power stations if they don't have command centers.

Brute force intrusion

One great strategy is to brute force into a Command Center alarm room to turn it off:
  1. Use profile scanner illegal mode to clone a level 3 access person in a Command Center window.
  2. Even if they catch you, hold the scan attempt till they try to radio in the alarm.
  3. When they raise alarms, they talk on radio which causes them to stop moving long enough to finish cloning their access.
  4. As soon as you have it, alarms may be going off but you need to speed run through the front door of Command Center.
  5. Push through the ground floor halls to the SEC security room with the alarm control panel to disable alarms.
  6. Shutting it down means you'll be attacked by some security but you won't face waves of squads being dropped in by Omnipol.
  7. You can switch to a Maverick as soon as you think you have things under control to finish off the rest as you loot at your own pace.
  8. Loot the place till you are done, then shut down the power center and steal the power stabilization core.
  9. Short circuit the doors open while you wait for the count down using the energy transfer tool illegal mode so you can get out when power fails.

Scoping out a settlement to find your mission targets, photo by Dubmeister


Stealth helps you get in and out of settlements with a minimum of risk.

  • Sneaking around to avoid fighting is the hardest way to do missions in that it requires skill but it avoids fighting.
  • You can use engineering modules like quiet footsteps, audio masking and noise suppression to aid in stealth.
  • Covert missions are failed if alarms are raised, so you can either do the objective directly without getting caught or go for disabling the alarms without being caught and then get away with murder afterwards since there's no alarm to go off.


Foot equipment can be improved with engineers that you unlock to get modules that add functionality to suits and weapons.

  • There is an Engineer List on Inara that indicates which engineers offer which upgrades.
  • There is a Personal Equipment Upgrades & Mods list which gives the necessary materials
  • Every upgrade is available from 2 or more engineers, so if you are stuck on unlocking a module you want from one engineer, try the alternative.
  • Use EDEngineer to track your wishlists and progress towards finding the materials.


The following loadouts work well:

  • Maverick 5 with backpack size increase (2x), running stamina, tool energy efficiency, scan range, quiet steps to help with infiltrating and looting efficiently.
  • Dominator 5 with ammo capacity, shield regeneration, damage resistance, combat aiming speed.
  • Artemis 5 with jump capacity increase, tool energy efficiency, running stamina.

  • TK Aphelion Laser Rifle 3-5 (Long Range, Headshot Damage, Mag Capacity, Fast Handling, Fast Reloading)
  • Karma P-15 Kinetic Pistol 3-5 (Long Range, Headshot Damage, Mag Capacity, Fast Handling, Fast Reloading)
  • Karma PL-6 Rocket Launcher 3-5 (Stowed reloading, fast handling, fast reloading, mag size)
  • Manticore Intimidator Shotgun 3-5 (Headshot damage, Mag Capacity, Fast Reloading, Fast Handling, Scope): Good for PVP close range fights. Risky to use PVE. Aiming narrows the blast choke and scope narrows it further.


Call it a Mandalorian, Iron Man, or whatever flying death dealer you prefer, the flyer suit build is designed to let you soar above while raining rockets on people from above.
  • Artemis 5 with jump capacity increase, shield regeneration, damage resistance, running stamina.
  • Karma PL-6 Rocket Launcher 3-5 (Stowed reloading, fast handling, fast reloading, mag size)
  • Pistol of choice with fast handling. Plasma pistol has versatility, laser or kinetic help you unshield or finish off unshielded foes.

D2A has a video demonstrating the build's effectiveness:

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