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GET A CARRIER in 24 HOURS: WALLEY BEI / MALERBA replaces MAHLANJA trade route as fast track to discounted carrier owernship

19 Oct 2021IXXX

This week's 30% carrier discount at Alcor or Colonia is the best time to push your credits to buy carriers on all your pilot accounts so get cracking with the updated route info and you'll be able to carry your battle fleet around and do mass trading with the Fleet Carrier Owner's Club.

The trade market has shifted and Mahlanja no longer seems to be a good place to do 50M trade missions. The New Pirate Initiative PVE Quickstart guide has been updated to direct traders to WALLEY BEI system and MALERBA station for max profit 50M trade missions.

Malerba & Swanson DockWalley BeiFleet carriers in the system or Inara search nearby export sourcesFederalAll
<NOT WORKING CURRENTLY> Vetulani DockMahlanjaHIP 45957 (Silver, Gold and Tritium), Djeriman (Bertrandite, Indite, Gallite)NoneAll

A good place to go to start doing this is Walley Bei system.
  1. Take missions from Walley Bei's Malerba & Swanson Dock terraforming stations.
  2. Buy the materials from carriers in the system.
  3. Fly back and provide the mission goods.
  4. Don't mark the missions as complete yet till you have a wing of friends to share it with.
  5. Invite them to your Wing (Horizons) or Team (Odyssey) and share each mission and let them accept before completing it so all get the rewards.
  6. Increase reputation with the station factions till you get 50M credit missions.

Remember you can't carry wing missions over between Odyssey and Horizons, so whomever you share with has to be in the same version of the game as you were when you took the missions to take part.
  1. Once you earn 50M: Build Type 7 cargo ship (D rate everything but FSD A rate), do trade missions to save up some money for Type 9
  2. Once you earn 250M: Build Type 9, do trade missions to save up some money for Anaconda and Type 10 bounty hunting ships

Once you have enough money to build an Anaconda Dakkaconda or a Type 10 AFK with full A and D rated modules, you can begin doing bounty hunting.
  1. Build Anaconda for active PVE massacre farming. (It can work low or high res initially without much engineering)
  2. Build Type 10 for passive PVE massacre farming. (It requires a certain amount of engineering to survive AFK)
  3. Acquire enough engineering materials to engineer Anaconda Dakkaconda PVE build and Type 10 AFK build to consistently produce money actively and overnight.

Keep doing trading missions as often as you can even if you get wing massacre bounty missions working and enjoy those more.
  • Trade missions will eventually unlock your Elite Trade Rank and Shinra (see above) to make building your combat ships efficient so it does benefit combat after all.
  • Once you have at least 1 Elite rank, you unlock Shinrarta Dezhra system and Jameson Memorial station with a 10% discount on EVERY SHIP AND MODULE IN THE GAME. This will massively simplify and discount your ship building process so you won't have to hunt around for each module in a build.

For more information on how to get into PVE and PVP quickly, read New Pirate Initiative PVE Quickstart.
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