Logbook entry

Adventures in Doing it Wrong: "... And Into the Fire" (Part 2)

14 Sep 2020August Davenport
August blows out a sigh as the Cutter descends from the landing platform into the safety of the airlock hangar bay.  With a quick tap of a button, the multi-point harness disconnects and retracts, freeing her from the commander's seat. Her heavy mag-boots clank the plating as she walks to the airlock, though not with the audible snap of magnetic attraction. She confirms the airlock seal has been made on its instrument panel before looking out the porthole. When she does, her jaw drops.

On the other side, a sea of people, moving the near-unison of herd mentality to various threats, all pushing to be the first on her ship. They look up and duck a little when a hanging, broken conduit suddenly sends sparks as another explosion rocks the station a hair. Even through the pressure seals and hull doors, August hears their fearful cries. She chews her lip a little, knowing what's going to happen if she isn't prepared.

Pressing a coms panel, she speaks aloud, "This is Artemis' Bow. Is there Station Security at the airlock? It seems you have a situation on your side."

"Lotta scared folks on this side, Artemis' Bow," coms back a scratchy response on the speaker. "How many can you take?"

"I have seats for 2205, but personal belongings will have to be left behind. I took a big hit on the way in, and can't afford the mass."

"Roger. Open when ready."

The Airlock clicks and hisses as it cycles open, almost wincing as she braces herself for the worst.

Scents of smoke and fearful sweat waft in behind the first passengers. Came in clothes that had seen much better days. The cleanest of them merely had soot. Some had burns and bandages. They bring in irony blood and antiseptic smells with them. Each passes with a different sort of look. Some glad to be on board. One even thanks August for coming.

Others have a stony, distant look of shock. A few shoot darts from their eyes, disdainful for something. One approaches and stops in front of August.

"Please, take your seat, ma'am. Straight ahead then left to the cabin."

"Are you the Commander?" She asks in an imperious tone. She wears once fine attire, now torn, sooted, and riddled with singe marks. Her hair is slightly out of sorts, but the flowing array of loose braids and curls cascade down her back. "I am told I cannot travel with my heirlooms. I simply must be allowed. They are precious to me and my family."

"You can take the next ship then, ma'am. Please make your way to the cabin or stand aside and let others on board."

"The next ship!?" She asks.  "You're asking me to stay on this station while it falls apart?! What sort of person are you?"

"I'm the commander of a very damaged ship that took said damage in the course of rescuing you. Now, if you can't live without your heirlooms, you need to move back to the station and wait for the next ship."

"Well, when will that arrive."

"I don't know."

"Of course not. You're just a spacer. Barely an Imperial, otherwise you'd not speak to me as you have."

"Ma'am," August speaks through gritted teeth, "either take your seat or get off my ship." August goes to lay a hand on the woman's shoulder, an attempt to move her to the bulkhead to resume boarding.

"DO NOT TOUCH ME!" The woman shouts. "The nerve you have! Who do you think you are?"

"I'm your damn hero," August replies. "Now, if you have a problem that I can't rescue your trinkets, ma'am, step aside so someone far more grateful will board. This is about saving lives, not things."

August glares her down a moment, and the woman replies in kind. August blows out a breath and then presses the coms. "Station Security, this is Artemis' Bow. Halt boarding. I've got an unruly passenger that refuses to board. I'm sending her out."

"You're WHAT?!" The woman demands.

A moment later, the flow of passengers leaves the umblical free to let the aristocrat leave. August, akimbo, asks, "So, are you leaving or are you going to take your seat?"

The woman glares, then rolls her shoulders back, holds her head up, and moves to take her seat.

"Resume boarding," August tells the security time on the far side of the airlock.
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