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Adventures in Doing it Wrong: "Debtors' Prison Dilemma" (Part 2)

21 Sep 2020August Davenport
The thrusters boost drives me into the back of my seat, pushing against the gravity of Long Sight Base's planet. On the surface of the situation, things seem grim.

1) I'm in voluntold service to a Duke whose ship I damaged. That point is debatable. I still blame the station.

2) Said Duke gives me cryptic orders to find and recruit one Professor Palin, a specialist in Thargoid technology. Yeah, that's not spooky.

3) Elvira, my best contact in the Bubble, has never heard of the good Doctor, but promises to reach out to her other contacts and get back to me if something comes up. I've got no other leads, and he's not listed in the Galnet's public database, so I'm floating in space if Elvira doesn't pull through.

So, I now have to wait.

I pull hard back on the stick as Zagar's Dream reaches orbiting altitude. After checking the gravity to my most comfortable, about .5G, I switch the autopilot on, and get out of the seat. I move through the flight deck and down the hall to my quarters. As I take a seat upon the soft foam mattress, I pick up a pad. The lexicon of discoveries made by IGAU and a hefty terabyte of other data I downloaded from The Pilots' Federation Astrometrics.

I'm going to start planning for my next thing, once I'm off the Duke's sensors. Return to what I enjoy the most- charter tours. I think it's about time someone makes a route showcasing all the weird and wonderful things we see just around civilization. It needs a name.

Galnet's alert pops up on the screen: "Prince Duval's Obituary." I sigh, almost regretting my pledge to the Princess. Somehow, I can't leave her retinue while she's getting kicked down. Talk about suspicious behavior.
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