Hutton takes control
20 Jan 2021Shattermage
CMDRs Log, Jan 20 3307:I lent a last-minute hand the other night in the war in Narenses. It helped. The Hutton Truckers now control Narenses (or "Narnia" as we've come to call it)! I no longer have to be concern about being shot on sight when I arrive at Yang Orbital now, though I never made it to hostile standing with the Narenses Organization, thankfully. We can now turn our attention to other operations that will remain classified to the public log.
Pressing matters back home have surfaced requiring me to step back from operations for what will hopefully only be a short while. I've extended the shore leave of the non-essential crew of Dark Was the Night. Chester Mercer, and Dakota Duncan have informed me they wish to stay with the carrier long term, which I'm happy to hear. Ximena in the tritium depot has not expressed one way or another but she has time before the next major deployment.
Speaking of which, I've been wanting to take the carrier up to M67 for an exploration expedition. I haven't been out exploring since Distant Worlds 2. My plan would be to fly up in the Ford Prefect myself and do some scanning for my own codex (everything up there is likely long been claimed for first discoveries since Brewer introduced carriers), then call the Dark up to retrieve me since it requires a carrier to get back. I may open up the trip to public as well. This is only an idea currently, but one I'd like to execute in the near future.