Logbook entry

Into the Black #1

06 Sep 2022C.Pott
Day 1
Stocked up on the essentials at Glass Landing and spent some time in the bar chatting with the locals before setting off. I’m not a particularly social person but if I’m about to spend at least a week in the void with only Vega for company I had better get my fill of humanity now.
Departed Glass later than intended and plotted a course to Herschel 36. Vega tells me it’s a little under 4400lys away and some 64 jumps. Get clear of Glass Landing and make the first jump, truth be told I’m pleased to be getting out of the bubble if only for a short while. With the Salvation superweapon disaster and the stories of an anomaly moving around out in the fringes of the bubble near Thargoid space. I was in HIP 22460 when the weapon was fired and barely survived the aftermath, but then who wasn’t? I really should get to writing down what happened on that day.
Making surprisingly good time nothing too much of not along the way. Find a couple of untouched systems and a previously unmapped Water world. Stopped long enough to take a picture for my records, only just noticed my ship is looking a little worse for wear, it might be time for a repaint. Come to that when was the last time she went in for a service? I hope she will last out the trip and I won’t need to send out a distress call or even abandon her. Unusually I encounter another couple of ships out in the black but comms were quiet so we moved on.
Arrived in Herschel 36 and got my first view from inside the Lagoon nebula. Brilliant greens and vibrant reds fill my cockpit view. Nothing of note in the system itself so I system hop a few times scanning for anything of interest but nothing to write home about, save for the view. Having not found anything too exciting I’ve decided to stop for the night and have found a small planet in the NGC-6530 WFI 26138 system. Turns out to be quite a mountainous planet and it takes a little time to find a suitable landing spot.
Ship secured for the night, fed and watered myself. Played a couple of hands of cards with Vega but it’s not the same as a real game, it always feels like he is letting me win. Just going to take a quick walk about on the surface and stretch my legs and have a think about whether to stay here and survey some more or move on to the next destination. I’m thinking the Trifid nebula, its not too far away from here only 700ish lys.

CMDR C.Pott signing off
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