Logbook entry

Into the Black #2

07 Sep 2022C.Pott
Day 2
Well today has gotten off to a bad start! I thought as I had made planetfall in a quiet area of space I would have a late start and give myself the opportunity for a lie in before doing some running maintenance, see if I can’t stop that annoying rattling that’s started in the last hundred light years or so. As always this turned into a much longer and larger job that involved hours of tracing runs of cables and squeezing through crawl spaces. Maybe I should have just put up with the rattling! I suppose I shouldn’t complain there is a lot of mileage on the old girl, she has taken me all the way in to the Sag A* and back. I think she’s probably earnt a few groans and rattles.
Once that was done the day was well in to the second half so I decided to stay put and again stretch my legs before getting cooped up in the ship again. I took the srv out for a spin to see if there was anything of interest in the immediate vicinity, but as suspected it is barren but the views make up for it.
Going to hunker down for the night where I am, I don’t see the point in trying to go anywhere this late in the day and its nice and quiet here. I’ll maybe open a bottle of something sit back and enjoy the swirling nebula around me.

CMDR C.Pott signing off
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︎0 Shiny!
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