Logbook entry

Jumping In With Both Feet

14 Aug 2020Ceti Fox
Commander Ceti Fox, signing on. Hmmm. Commander. Never thought I'd actually say that. About myself, anyway. And, to be honest, I've resisted it until now. I paid my money, I went through the training, got my Sidewinder. And it only took me a couple of weeks to make enough credits to buy myself a more useful ship. Not that a Sidewinder is completely useless. Hells, I've heard of commanders circumnavigating the galaxy in one. I've served on enough ships, though, to learn the key skills and tricks of the trade to quickly upgrade a Sidewinder sufficiently and step up to bigger ships.

So, here I am, with my brand new Cobra.

Since I was pretty smart about how I earned and used my credits, I've been able to acquire a fair variety of modules for The Ceti Wolf to use in multiple roles. At the moment, I don't really plan to be married to any one career path. I do know that I don't want to be associated with scum like pirates or terrorists. There are no redeeming qualities to those idiots, and it's clear that the best part of those fools ran down their momma's leg. They're poster children for why cousins should never marry.

Anyway, I have a lot of work to do, now, swapping out modules to get ready to head out to do some mining. I'm hearing that mining has grown to be not nearly as profitable as it used to. I guess I'll find out for myself. So, I'm going to close out the log entry for now.

Commander Ceti Fox, signing off.
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