Logbook entry

To paraphrase a Psycho "Relief has washed over me in an awesome wave"

29 Apr 2022Swarthos
I have resigned yet again from the Order of 12. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with the Order, it's a fine outstanding Squadron governed by one of the most creative and compassionate Commander's I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, Commander Bluecrash. Certainly I had issues with some factions hypothesis within the Order and their succumbing to what I strongly believe is deception. I spoke out against this deception, again it was Commander Bluecrash who graciously allowed me to have a voice in opposition to this deceptive influence but even so, this failed to assuage my feelings. I sought reconciliation via meditation and it became clear to me, it was more than spiritual unbalance that I was suffering from although that was the primary reason for my discomfort. It ultimately came down to who I am at my core, and that is a Loner through and through.

I function best alone but I'm not denying that I do require the assistance of others from time to time. I will stay in touch, but not inside the circle so to speak. I wish to move and exist outside any circle for being an assigned member of anything tends to suffocate me. So when I awoke this morning from yet another restless night it became clear, I must leave, I must be on my own, and when I removed myself from the Squadron, this time I believe for good, relief washed over me in an awesome wave.
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