Logbook entry


31 May 2023Swarthos
After nearly a decade in the Bubble I grew tired of the same old stars. So I packed up all my belongings, loaded all my useful ships and modules onto my Fleet Carrier and have departed for Colonia to begin a new Elite Dangerous life. Since the bulk of my credit earning is done via Astrobiology I don't think I'll miss the Bubble all that much, in fact if I do grow homesick I may hop another CMDR's Fleet Carrier and head back for a short visit.

I'm excited about this move and am looking forward to using Colonia as a launch point for further exploration into Odin's Hold, SAG A and possibly The Void.

A little over a year ago I was in Odin's Hold when I discovered some very interesting signal sources as well as artificial structures. What makes this so intriguing is its great distance from the Bubble... I look forward to visiting those coordinates again to see if anything has changed.

- out
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